BRAVO! As aBritish person i beg for your forgivness our Goverment - TopicsExpress


BRAVO! As aBritish person i beg for your forgivness our Goverment betryed youre nation , .. for that i ask for your forgivness... If there is justice and/or Karma the wall will fall just as the berlin wal has I hope that the occupation will end without more bloodshed! We need to support organizations like J-Street and the New Israel fund which work towards a 2 state peaceful reconciliation. See their websites and their strategies as the violence escalates! Some say that Palestinians are on the edge of a new intifada! Love to you, Anne! Great to see you in GSO! Yeah theres alot of love and caring from hamas and jihad.... Like any other ethnic group there are good and evil people, and that is certainly the case with the Jews, in fact, Jews are really not the problem. The problem is the fascist zionists and this person whose name is written in Hebrew is an ignorant zealot who is intellectually incapable of understanding what the issues are. Israel is not israel, it is Palestine, and the people that have lived there, cultivated the land and loved it during the previous 2 millenia have been the Palestinians and other Arabs. She cant seem to understand that this land has been stolen by the zionists, that they have murdered thousands of innocents, that they have displaced thousands more and that these people are resisting because that is exactly what anyone that is being oppressed or persecuted must do. I am not religious and believe the bible to be essentially a book of fiction and fable, but even using the biblical argument of The Chosen it is impossible to accept that a god, any god, would pretend that the people that abandoned a land during the Diaspora can just return after 2,000 years and appropriate the land that others have loved and cared for. You Jewish asked for it! Do not offend Palestinian first. Respect others!!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:18:03 +0000

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