BREAKING NEWS ************ For your kind information,I would - TopicsExpress


BREAKING NEWS ************ For your kind information,I would like to say that on NOVEMBER 03,2013 (03:05 PM >>> 08:28 PM) there are v.v.very Harmful/Beneficial (o5 hours & 23 minutes) in sense of Prime (Acceptance/Rejectance) of our ACTS.if you want to use these (Best/Worst) MOMENTS,read very carefully my posting given below: ANNULAR TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE (Mukammal Suraj Grehan) Start.........NOVEMBER 03,2013 (03:05 PM) Peak.........NOVEMBER 03,2013 (05:47 PM) End...........NOVEMBER 03,2013 (08:28 PM) Location...11*-16 Constellation (SCORPIO) All the Timings given here are according to PST (Pakistan Standard Time) at 32* Latitude (North) and 75* Longitude (East) My friends out of Pakistan can find their local time by [+] 4 minutes/degree Longitude (East) or [-] 4 minutes/degree Longitude (West) THE SUN (KING of our Land) Planet of Success,Fame,Honour,Position & Vital Force. SUN> has a Diameter of (864,000) miles. SUN> is about (01.41) times as dense as Water. SUN> get Exalted at (18*) of the zodiac sign Aries. SUN> get Debilitated at (18*) of the zodiac sign Libra. SUN> is (400,000) times as bright as full Moon of our Land. SUN> has its average interior temperature about (27,000,000*) F SUN> has average surface temperature as (5,800*) K or (10,000*) F SUN> has average distanve from the Earth is almost (92,900,000) miles. SUN> is the main controlling body or a Nucleus of the Earths Solar System. SUN> has Mass & Luminosity 80% greater than that of all the Stars in our Galaxy. SUN> gives the Earth (6) Million times as much light as do all other stars put together. SUN is the source of all energy which sustains the entire Solar System including all life forms on earth.When the Sun is located in Aries which is a Cardinal sign type with fire element,it functions the Best because of the commonality of the element.The Cardinal nature of Aries gives it a clear direction for action.Fire element gives strong Will,Ambition,Determination,Leadership on the higher level.the Sun in Aries gives Independence,Clarity,strong Judgement and high Values.However,when the Sun is located in LIBRA,it has to interact with Air element of Libra sign.The air and Fire together will create uncontrolled energy.It will become like a Forest Fire which will destroy everything without creating anything.In an individual,it will create Pride and Arrogance which in reality will be because of deep seated insecurity.the Sun in Libra becomes weak and will be malefically disposed in the air sign Libra ruled by Venus.It will give poor Perception,lack of Intelligence,low Vitality,Melancholy,Fear and Dishonesty. An ANNULAR TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE (mukammal Suraj Grehan) occurs when the MOON passes between the EARTH and the SUN so that the orbits of the Moon and the Earth align closely enough together and being the Moon exactly between the Sun and the Earth,the Moon blocks the light of the Sun from the Annular Solar Eclipse occurs when the apparent diameter of the Moon is smaller than that of the Sun,causing the Sun to look like an ANNULUS (Ring) blocking most light of the Sun. This is the 5th (LAST) ECLIPSE and second SOLAR ECLIPSE of .Eclipses are usually momentous Astrological & Astronomical events.People and things are also be “Eclipsed” out of their life.Generally Eclipses can bring surprises or make some sort of unexpected announcement in our lives. INTERNATIONAL LEVEL: *Revolution of Nations. *Typhones and Cyclons. *EarthQuakes. *Tsunamies. COUNTRY LEVEL: *Great Political Upset in Punjab & Sindh. *Change of Weather and Climate. *EarthQuakes. *Floods. This ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE is a hybrid eclipse of the SUN with a magnitude of (1.0159) it can not be seen in PAKISTAN.its totality will be visible from some parts of ASIA and the northern ATLANTIC OCEAN (NEW YORK,FLORIDA,BERMUDA) to AFRICA (GULU,UGANDA,MONROVIA,LIBERIA,GHANA,LAGOS,NIGERIA,EQUATORIAL GUINEA,GABON,CAMEROON,CONGO,KINSHASA,CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC,SUDAN,RWANDA,ETHIOPIA,KENYA,SOMALIA) You have to pray for PEACE,SAFETY,STABILITY,HAPPINESS & BETTERMENT of the World as per your Religion/Beliefs.the Muslims all over the World should perform (2) rakat Nfl (NAMAZ-KASOOF) before or during this sick & worst interval of time.The grade of effectiveness of this SOLAR ECLIPSE for different Zodiac Signs is as follow: GOOD TIME FOR: Aries,Gemini,Sagittarius TOUGH TIME FOR: Taurus,Leo,Scorpio,Aquarius BAD TIME FOR: Cancer,Virgo,Libra,Capricorn,Pisces ARIES (Mar.21–Apr.19) angle of thinking will positively change with slight pain or confusion.Stand firm in your convictions.An odd mixture of strategic planning.impulsive reactions and unfolding melodrama can affect your job,your pocket money and your feelings.If you face reality you’ll be supported when decisive action settles matters and calms nerves.Here also comes the chance to clear a bit your mind from the high-tensed Ecliptic time you were walking through the last weeks.not that now everything is going to be like a road of roses but thankfully more things are going to be clarified and have to perform (2) rakat nafl (Namaz.e.Kasoof) before or during Lunar Eclipse. TAURUS (Apr.20-May.20) be alert and very careful about your business and life partner.Face your fears as you come face to face with harsh realities in partnerships.If you set the agenda with a clear statement of your expectations,however you can build trust.Ultimately you motivate others to get the results you want and deepen personal also have to ready for some special changes because you are the Stars of this Eclipse along with Sagittarius.not only the Eclipse is happening on your Axis but three major planets are crowded in your sign signifying more and more energy in you and your life.time to meditate and keep got the power (and the brains) to deal with everything that comes have to perform (2) rakat nafl (Namaz.e.Kasoof) before or during Lunar Eclipse. GEMINI (May.21–Jun.20) very beneficial and helpful for your health and curing in all diseases.You struggle to get an accurate sense of what’s happening with your career.The stage is being set for your next wave of progress but advancement does not come easily.You have to narrow your objectives and fight for your beliefs.Luckily stability comes into your are lucky because you are not much affected by this full Moon apart from the fact that every Lunar Phase affects a matter of fact,almost everybody seems to be much bothered by this Eclipse but you will seem to float unharmed and stress-less from this storm.your governor,the Great Lady of the Night MOON somehow favours have to perform (2) rakat nafl (Namaz.e.Kasoof) before or during Lunar Eclipse. CANCER (Jun.21–Jul.22) be very careful about your children and give and take of money matters.Stretch your boundaries in all phases of your life.You have other options in work,love and friendship.Focus on new goals.Someone may tempt you to assume additional responsibilities beyond the limits of comfort.Take Risks.Persistence will helps you get what you will feel that something is going on with the way you interact with people.the only tricky part is that you have to maintain clarity of your mind and perseverance in order to keep balance between your Love life and your have to perform (2) rakat nafl (Namaz.e.Kasoof) before or during Lunar Eclipse. LEO (Jul.23–Aug.22) take care of your parents,elder relatives and home related activities.You have set some new goals and are feeling pressure to get there.This very clever Eclipse helps to relieve the pressure by revealing alternative routes to reach your destinations.Rely on your intuition and listen!You can find satisfaction if you don’t have to rush the still seem to be benefitted by the presence of Mars in Taurus.other than that seems to be a cloudy astrological event for your possess a really practical mind but you seem not to be so able to cope with this Eclipse because your home and your inner balance seem to be under attack.keep calm and have to perform (2) rakat nafl (Namaz.e.Kasoof) before or during Lunar Eclipse. VIRGO (Aug.23–Sept.22) you will feel so confuse as per issues created by your family and relatives.Career is a focus as this jittery Gemini Eclipse touches your career activities!Avoid chasing an illusion by questioning your assumptions and those of people offering something that sounds too good to be have to Concentrate on key people as the momentum begins to shift.the fact that for once I dont have to say anything negative for you is because youve been in such a difficult situation that something like this seems to be like a game for you.Its nothing to worry about just take care of your friends and look for the deeper meaning of their lack of understanding.they demand energy from you.give them have to perform (2) rakat nafl (Namaz.e.Kasoof) before or during Lunar Eclipse. LIBRA (Sept.23–Oct.22) dont think of any type of your money as much as possible.Feel the inspiration to look ahead rather than the troubles that are now in the past.Your focus shifts and your future is bright as you cut ties from the past and you are free to embark on your future.You get the energy to start a new project.Don’t be afraid to follow a hunch.I may dont know anybody who doesnt suffer from financial issues and yes you are the sign who face the economic stability as a matter of life and death but Life and Death is something you know very very good and in your hearts you realize that these kind of issues are just a game for are going to make it and you are going to have to perform (2) rakat nafl (Namaz.e.Kasoof) before or during Lunar Eclipse. SCORPIO (Oct.23–Nov.21) be very careful during talking and moving on roads,during driving especialy.You are strongly urged to eliminate people and plans that aren’t essential to reaching your goals.You may attract partners who don’t live up to their promises.Verify credentials before you invest your faith or your money!It is a right time to show your energy & power! Be Bold.this is the time to relive possibly some of the sad things that happened the last years but fear NOT...Its more than temporary.Its just like a memory,coming back to you just to remind you that you always have to take care of yourself and Love him/her stronger and stronger day-by-day.Love is the have to perform (2) rakat nafl (Namaz.e.Kasoof) before or during Lunar Eclipse. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec.21) it will very friendly quit,eliminate and defeat your enemies and bad wishers.You could lose your temper if you believe that someone is undermining your efforts but a close friend or partner helps you see the situation in a more positive light as you transform any lingering fear or anger into love and acceptance.It is an exclusive time to commit.your dreams and your intuition seems to be like a caged lion roaring to be heard.your magical powers are extended and charged by the Plutonian energy of the are now at the peak of your magical capability and this is the time to get your Wands to are able to work miracles.Believe in yourself...Believe! you have to perform (2) rkat nafl (Namaz.e.Kasoof) before or during Lunar Eclipse. CAPRICORN (Dec.22–Jan.19) you will feel revolutionary and adventurous changes in your thoughts and behaviour.Rethink your professional aspirations as opportunities/obligations present themselves!Your mind wanders as windows of awareness increase your sense of connection with nature and the cosmos.If you know exactly what you want,it is so favourable time for attempt to get are who care very much of your friends and your social contacts and this is something we really like on you but right now you have to see things more objectively and understand why your friends seem to be in so much mood.Is there anything you can really do? Remember,you cannot change can only love have to perform (2) rakat nafl (Namaz.e.Kasoof) before or during Lunar Eclipse. AQUARIUS (Jan.20–Feb.18) keep your eyes and mind fully open in any angle and aspect of your business and career.Stop playing around the edges of desire and finally make a choice that should be worth much more than you have to give up in return.While you’re likely to have a good time even if reality falls short of your expectations.a joyous vision can also lift your think that your career is at stake.Its may think that because of this discomfort your face in your everyday environment but the truth is that...thats hardly the truth.Its just a storm and of course you have to open up your eyes and see what is that you can do to calm things down but always remember that much good is going to come the next months...have faith! you have to perform (2) rakat nafl (Namaz.e.Kasoof) before or during Lunar Eclipse. PISCES (Feb.19–Mar.20) A variety of issues are stirred up at very careful during any journey or moving on roads,especialy during driving.Complete current obligations before you take on anything more.News and insights somehow expand your venue and knowledge and you may be able to use what you learn in a creative should have to Stay close to home.along with so many precautions,there is a good news for you that some interesting changes and opportunities may occur from abroad in the form of educational & spiritual will somehow favoured by this Lunar Eclipse but please always be aware of the fact that the energies of the Eclipse are more delicate to have to perform (2) rakat nafl (Namaz.e.Khasoof) before or during Lunar Eclipse. Regards: HUSAM BUTT Astro Consultant Contact: 0345 2228272 Email: husambutt@hotmail facebook/galaxy.husambutt
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 05:28:32 +0000

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