BRIEF INTRODUCTION, VISION STATEMENT, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ADVANCE is an Independent Inspirational Outfit of STEPHEN OLAMILEKAN JIMOH, for motivating people to make consistent progress towards substance and excellence in every respect; encouraging them to keep abreast of the prosperity of entire humanity in the pursuit of personal/family/community/organizational/religion/ethnic or tribal or racial/national success. This was born out of a passion to ensure that everybody live the best life possible to be highly successful without unmannered conducts and foul practices which will consequently keep the world free of diverse evil often perpetrated by people for whatsoever reason. Due to ignorance, blind guides, poor mentality and lack of motivation; most people are often prone to all kinds of evil deeds which constitute problems in every human society. So, the idea is to motivate people into rightful living through sound knowledge transfer for effective enlightenment. Also, it has been noticed that majority are not really active in the pursuit of collective wellness because many usually think of themselves alone having no concern for others as some think of themselves first before they think of fellow human beings, their society and the world at large. In view of this, ADVANCE seeks to let people know that; i. Pursuit of both personal and collective success is not separable if a man will be truly successful. ii. No citizen is complete ragradless of class and status if his society is in tumoil. iii. We should think of ourselves and be committed to personal undertakings in a way that will affect others positively for the purpose of advancing the society and entire humanity. iv. Our personal success is invalid if it is at/to the expence or detriment of others. v. No persons security anywhere is guaranteed if somewhere else in the world is in chaos. vi. The purpose of our existence is to be a plus to the world in every way. VISION OF ADVANCE To ensure diligently committed to both personal and public advancement towards making life and living the very best it should be for entire humanity. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To inspire people to: Embrace rightful living. Be the very best they should be. Live above every trial and challenges of life. Be highly useful for humanity by contributing their quota to advancing societal/national development, stability, security and peaceful coexistence across the world.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:21:31 +0000

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