BROCKTON -- WHY ARE YOU HAVING A RACIAL BIAS EPIPHANY? WHATS GOING ON? COB Water Commissioner Michael Thoreson has a bff take to blogging today to defend his record. See the COB is being sued in a class action claim for improper and discriminatory hiring practices by minority citizens. Whats also interesting is in this very post you learn white Americans value loyalty a coded word they shield themselves behind that means some only believe white hired are loyal. It also means they will reject the more qualified black or other minority hire for loyalty. Read the statement below and see if you see similar. So in America being rejected for employment has nothing to do with you not being the most qualified but everything to do with color and who you know according to the bff of outgoing Thoreson. Posted: 31-January-14 at 11:53am | IP LoggedFirst off, the ignorance of the majority of these posters is laughable! Ive never seen a Brockton public official be more villified and crucified than Mike Thoreson. 99% of the water billing mess can be attributed to him? Get your facts straight people! The entire water billing crisis could have been avoided if the city council and the money man at city hall financed a new meter system that would have provided the city with a state of the art system; how many times did the previous commissioner get shot down by the council and Mr. Condon? I believe at least 9 times in the last 14 years, yet the blame continues to fall on the present commissioner. The Water Dept knew the system was failing at a high rate, but their pleas for help were continously shot down.As a result, the meter fiasco was born. How Mike Thoreson is cast as the villain is insane, so take your blinders off people! Now, lets get to the topic of nepotism. Nepotism has existed in all towns, cities, countries forever. Why is it that public and private sectors give bonuses to people when they refer people to their managers for employment purposes? Leaders and bosses tend to hire people they know: Why you might ask? The answer is leaders know hiring a friend, relative, person recommended will lead to loyalty, trusting, and a 100% effort on the job. That person hired doesnt want to make his hiring look bad, so if they possess any type of character at all, they will perform at a high level to , maybe repay the hirer.Look no further than the new Mayors first hiring; isnt his chief of staff a personal friend of his, and they also shared a radio booth announcing high school football games for years. Does the new chief of staff have any political experience to manage a staff overseeing a city of 97,000 people? I doubt it, but Im sure the mayor realizes he will get 100% effort from his friend , kind of like dealing with the devil you know, as opposed to the devil you dont know! How about the Mayors proposed second hire, chief in waiting Hayden? Havent they developed a friendship over the last few years? Like the saying goes, To the victor goes the spoils! Nepotism will always be present thruout society, so get used to it. There are so many other issues in this once great city; murder, crime, illegal aliens, welfare fraud, illegal apartment dwellings, the list goes on, yet the Commissioner has become a lightning rod! Do any of you people know of the positive things he has done for the city? Of coursenot, because the dishrag of a newspaper called the Enterprise just wants to dwell on the negative at all times! Lastly, I want to state that if their is a smarter person walking the corridors of City Hall than Mike Thoreson, I havent seen him or her and neither will you. Thank You! P.S. To Robert Ford: Commissioner Thoreson will walk away with his head held high and his pension, and you will only walk away with the free water for youre swimming pool for the last 10 years
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 17:26:55 +0000

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