BROKEN BRITISH POLITICS – MUSCLE SHOWN BY HAGUE The Crisis between Russia and the Ukraine is about Putin not wanting Western Control on his Borders .Why did Putin stick up for Syria because the West wanted to control the Banking System there .Blair tried it with Assad and he politely asked the Bank Of England Officials to leave .Assad has never been forgiven that’s why we backed the Rebels but voted against War after Putin intervened . Beneath the surface the whole incident is Putin again showing his muscle to thwart Western Influence over the Ukraine’s Finances .The EU with UK and USA collusion have offered the Ukraine $15Billion the same as Russia offered them last week – thought the EU was Financially struggling hence Austerity .The Ukraine is Financially Broke .We Britain Raped and Pillaged then Controlled 75% of the World .The idiots we have here in Power must think back to the Old Colonial Days not realising we are being watched by the World acting like a third World Country . Just because the Government think we know little because of Stifled Press outsiders know more than MP’s here .Putin must be shaking over our Foreign Minister Hague getting involved .The same Hague who shares a room with his male Research Assistant .The same Hague that Thatcher ordered to start an Internal Inquiry over Paedophilia within Government Circles and closed it after two weeks never to see the light of day again . Putin is ex KGB he will know more about the Skeletons in British Cupboards than the Skeletons themselves .Posturing and Gestures on the World Stage Cameron has to justify who he is .Who is he ? brokenbritishpolitics.simplesite
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 10:10:39 +0000

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