BTO- #7 -oAK., cA. 1. 10.15- tHE HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS WIN! BEAT - TopicsExpress


BTO- #7 -oAK., cA. 1. 10.15- tHE HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS WIN! BEAT Washington gENERALS IN oVERTIME! Sweet Georgia Brown! It wasnt Curly Neel or Meadowlark Lemon, but My Boy and I Had a Ball! The last time the beloved Harlem Globetrotters played (and were beaten by) the rather lame Generals, complete today with jolly green giant, scrawny hippie, other washed up players and a crotchety, hunched-backed, fancy red-suited, coach, was in 1971, probably the last time I saw them. The HGT are sharp, patriotically-poppin uniformed masterful clowns of the wooden court, gifted sharp-shootin, extremely precision Zen ballers of such grace and hilarity, who bring such joy to kids with their very uniquely soulful American performance act. Being a traditionally charitable organization only further sanctifies this band of mystically-inspired artists of the red-white-and blue sphere, because, to me and those who sat mesmerized by the tricks, the goofs, the escapism, the light-hearted bigtime jive of it all, if that is a word yall could dig, the sheer madness of such talented folks, it was a sight to behold, like watching something colorful, lively and intricate. Most of the bits were, on the one hand, corny and predictable, but still timeless, infinitely surprisingly delightful and awesome. Lets face it; I could not do at all what these folks were doing with great ease, but was is not for lack of trying. When I was my sons age I studied the Harlem Globetrotters like a mother hawk, and we tried to mimic their schtick. I love how they werent afraid, from the start, to insult or offend folks...tall, skinny, black, white,...everyone was fair game in good fun. It was all there; tribute to the troops, dissing the Raiders, and all the while Oaklands most prominent player, Charles Woodson, sat inches from us, sometimes moving his head from my rather enthusiastic hand clapping and yelling of unbridled support. Only figured out it was him when he got on the court to do some comedy bit that wasnt so funny. And the ushers came up to him asking him if his little kids would like to meet and get autographs, the VIP treatment. But I will offer only one or two criticisms; they couldve and shouldve found someone to actually SING our national anthem. That was a tacky, short-sighted choice. This is Oakland; folks here can sing. (and the $35 parking/$10 dogs blow hard) The Harlem Globetrotters are a national treasure. And yet they counted among them a local Oakland native..Tee (sp?) So much audience participation, autograph signing, etc. Catch them when you can. Get a ball, have a ball. Sweet Georgia Brown. LOng LIve The Harlem Globetrotters. Generals suck hard! Thanks. Randtv
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 09:05:22 +0000

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