Bala yakubu have this to say to my friend....Muhammad Hussaini : - TopicsExpress


Bala yakubu have this to say to my friend....Muhammad Hussaini : I have refrained for a while from commenting on your posts regarding the deployment of security agents at elections in recent times. You will admit that as i said earlier that the success stories in Anambra, Ekiti and Osun states are clear testimonies to the effectiveness of this strategy. As we look forward to the Adamawa elections coming soon, lets expect that the same level of transparency will be achieved in Adamawa and the voice of the people heard through their votes. Now, as to whether the deployment is by PDP or the Federal Govt is a point on which you must try to divorce you deeper sentiments from the reality we all face today. You have not been fair in trying to insinuate that it is a PDP deployment and it is glaring from your rather combative stance against the use of these security agents to monitor and cover election time activities despite the successes recorded by their presence in the last three states i mentioned above. Havent you noticed that of the 3 states, it was only Ekiti that witnessed a major upset where the incumbent and APC candidate lost to PDP?. In Anambra, APGA took the day and in Osun, APC won. What you havent pointed out is the success rates achieved in these elections. Quite unfortunate too that you are even trying to deny INEC of taking a good measure of the credit for these successes. Rather than an open minded observer of events, you are almost coming through like an APC apologist. APC is a party of naysayers who will cry wolf long before any election in a bid to gain cheap advantage over the more dominant PDP. Are both parties not peopled by politicians? I expect us, the electorate to begin to appreciate a process that allows our votes cast to count and encourage whatever mechanisms make it possible rather than follow the politicians who will cry foul and try to disfigure any thing that does not favour them. Of a truth the adoption of the open ballot where votes are counted at the polling station and results announced in the public for all to hear, see and make records of is a masterstroke in Jegas INEC and the management of transparency at the polling booth level is the key to the success of our electoral processes now and in the future. I WILL BOLDLY CONGRATULATE INEC AND THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF for these successes and hold nothing back in doing so. We are getting better and our electoral processes are being refined as the days go by. We survived the days of Prof Maurice Iwus abracadabra so we know when it is getting better. We do not need any APC man or their apologists to celebrate our successes as a Nation and as a people. Well done Jega, well done INEC, well done Pres Goodluck Jonathan!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 20:08:06 +0000

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