Bani - Ishq Da Kalma 10th July 2013 Written Update Video Update - TopicsExpress


Bani - Ishq Da Kalma 10th July 2013 Written Update Video Update Bani (Ishq Da Kalma hai) 10th July 2013 Video Watch Online 720p *HD* Episode starts with Bani serving the halwa to Daarji who praises her. He says the halwa is made very nice and Bani serves the rest of the family, and they all praise her. Daarji gives Bani a gift (looks like something gold in a red box) for making the halwa, Bani is very happy. Bani is in her room and is thinking of Parmeet and looking at his photograph. Manpreet comes and gives Bani a gift box saying its from Parmeet himself. Bani opens it and it’s a mobile phone. Bani says but she doesn’t know how to use it. Manpreet tells her how to use it and as the phone comes on she gets a call from Parmeet on skype/videochat and Bani gets happy. Parmeet tells her now he can talk to her easily via this mobile phone and they don’t have to use the landline. Manpreet is shown in the hall and is worried. Surjeet aka Chachi asks her whats wrong. Manpreet tells her that she was very worried that ever since Parmeet left for Canada he did not call Bani once and she thought maybe they don’t like eachother but seeing them both speak to eachother on the mobile phone today has satisfied her that Bani and Parmeet like eachother and understand eachother. Manpreet further says that she is satisfied now that whatever happened in the past in this house will not happen again. Bani is shown speaking to Parmeet on skype/videochat on the mobile phone. Pareet tells Bani trhat because of her his job will go. She asks why? He says because he is missing her so much and cant concentrate at work. Bani gets shy. Parmeet talks a little more (very cute scene between both) and tells her to rest on the bed and talk to him as she may be very tired. Bani goes to sleep looking at him on the phone eventually. At Soham’s house, Rajji is shown lying down on the bed all sad and Soham takes his pillow and goes out of the room. The next morning Kugi comes and asks if Rajji came back from her house yet. Simran and Soham ignore her and Simran tells him to have breakfast. Angad also comes to have breakfast and ask where is Rajji and if she had any breakfast. Simran says she doesn’t know and doesn’t care. Angad takes food for Rajji in her room. Angad tells Rajji to have something to eat but Rajji says she is not hungry but Angad tells her that you should never take anger out on food. Angad explains to Rajji and Rajji eats. Nirvail is shown talking to Binder about Rajji’s childish behaviour. Mamaji tells Binder to call Rajji to come and meet them before they leave (I think they are going back to Canada? Or is it London?). Binder phones and Simran answers the phone and Binder asks if everything is alright and if Rajji helps around in the household chores. Simran says yes and Binder tells her if Rajji can meet Mama and Mami before they leave and Simran agrees. At Parmeets house Bani is telling Binder on the phone that she cannot come to meet Mama and Mami and apologises. Manpreet hears Bani’s conversation and asks why cant she go. Bani says that she only went home two days ago and going again so soon does not seem good. Manpreet says that it doesn’t matter and she should go to see Mama and Mami because they only got a good bahu like her because of them. She tells Bani to get ready and the driver will take her. At Sohams place the postman delivers Sohams passport with a Canada visa on it and he gets angry. Rajji is in her room and Soham storms into the room and shouts at her. He says look at this and shows her the passport saying that this is what Bani’s mom wanted a Canadian visa and so she got it but only he knows after how many difficulties he got the visa. He says that he did all this for Bani and her moms condition and says you knew everything yet you let all of this happen to me? He says what shall I do with this now because the one who I did all this for is now someones else’s so whats the point of this visa? He throws the passport out of the room and it falls at Bani’s feet who is standing in the hall. Bani picks it up and looks at both Soham and Rajji in shock who walk out of the room. Simran and Angad also come into the hall and Soham says to Bani that the passport is his and came from the embassy today and Bani goves it back to Soham (looks like she didn’t hear Soham shouting at Rajji). Bani says to Simran that she has come to get Rajji to meet Mama and Mami, Simran says that Rajji can go. Bani and Rajji leave. Precap: Bani is asking Rajji what is happening at her sasural and if there is any problem between her and Soham ‘ seems like Bani heard Soham shoiting at Rajji over the passport
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 12:36:00 +0000

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