Baptists and Eternal Security, or Once Saved Always Saved; Part 1 - TopicsExpress


Baptists and Eternal Security, or Once Saved Always Saved; Part 1 of 3 Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. -Jude 24 Baptists are known for believing in “Eternal Security,” or, “Once Saved, Always Saved.” More humorously it has been put, “Methodists believe in falling from grace, and Baptists practice it.” Also said, “Arminians know they have it (salvation), but they’re afraid they’re going to loose it. Calvinists know they can’t loose it, but they’re afraid they don’t have it.” In my humble opinion, most Baptists have it just right. We know we are saved, and we know we can’t loose it. There are good Christian folks who believe you can lose your salvation. I believe, however, the Bible teaches eternal security or, once saved always saved, for the following reasons. Note: First, a quick explanation. I am referring to someone who has really, truly placed their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Just because someone says they are saved, does not mean they are saved. The Bible teaches there are those who falsely profess to be believers (Matthew 7:21-23; 1 John 2:19). 1. Everlasting Life Cannot Be Lost. John 3:16 If it can be lost, then it is not everlasting. If you have it for a year, and then lose it, it is one year life, not everlasting life. 2. Everlasting Life is something the saved person has right now. John 3:16; 5:24 Well, you say, “Everlasting life may be everlasting, but you do not receive it until you get to Heaven.” No, it is something we possess right now. John 3:16 - “have” is present tense John 5:24 - “has” (or “hath”) is present tense Everlasting life is something the saved person has right now. 3. We are sealed until the day of redemption. Ephesians 1:13-14; 4:30 When a king sealed a document, it was as good as already done. No one could break the seal until the proper time. You yourselves write a decree concerning the Jews, as you please, in the king’s name, and seal it with the king’s signet ring; for whatever is written in the king’s name and sealed with the king’s signet ring no one can revoke. -Esther 8:8 4. We have been given the Holy Sprit. His is the “guarantee” (or “earnest”) of our inheritance. Ephesians 1:13-14 Guarantee - deposit, earnest money. When you buy a house you are asked to put down “Earnest Money” to guarantee you are serious and plan to buy the house. The Holy Spirit is our Guarantee of even more things to come when we receive our full inheritance in Heaven. You don’t give a “guarantee” and then take it back. 5. If you could lose your salvation then salvation would be of works. Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 3:28 Someone says, “No, we are saying that salvation is of grace, and then you have to keep yourself saved.” Then you are making salvation part of grace and part of works. But for the grace of God AND your good works of keeping yourself saved, you would not make it to Heaven. Instead of singing “Jesus Paid It All” you would have to sing: “Jesus paid a part, Some to Him I owe. Sin hath left a crimson stain, We washed it white as snow.” But salvation is all of grace, not of works lest anyone should boast. 6. You never cease to be a child of your parents. John 1:12 You may disobey your biological parents, but you never cease to be their child. Disobedience hurts your fellowship; but it does not affect your relationship. You are still their child. After we become children of God, the same is true. You can’t be “un-born again.” 7. Paul said that we have been adopted into the family of God. Romans 8:14-17, 23; Galatians 4:5; Ephesians 1:5 Adoption meant you became, in every legal sense, a part of the family. It was viewed as a permanent relationship.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 03:04:34 +0000

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