Barb Horecki Williams Asked: Kevin, just curious...why is Neil - TopicsExpress


Barb Horecki Williams Asked: Kevin, just curious...why is Neil Cavuto your favorite? 15 mins · Like Kevin Kerr Hey Barb, well thats a very good question and likely not the answer you may think. I have been privileged to be involved in the media and been doing TV appearances since around 1998 when I used to broadcast from the catwalks at the old Chicago Mercantile Exchange trading floor, man-years ago on CNN Fn and another network Web FN which later became First Business. The first time I was ever on set LIVE in NY was a few years later when I was in NYC for an editorial meeting, I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt and it was a stormy hot summer day. There was also a hurricane going on in the Gulf. I got a call from a producer at FOX News asking me to be on Your World With Neil Cavuto...I said yes but then realized all I had with me was shorts and a T-shirt and only had like 25 minutes to get a suit, clean up and get to the studio. I was downtown and the only store nearby that could do it quickly was Century 21, cheap and fast but not exactly tailor made fashion....Anyway, long story short...I got a Yellow, Pumpkin colored shirt, (ugh) and some pants and a tie, They had even worse horrific looking blazers...And I was forced to take what I could get...I got to the studio and met Neil, did the interview, I did well in Anyway, I left thinking I would likely never be on again and a week later I cam home and there was a letter from Fox News...I opened it and in it was a handwritten notecard by Neil, thanking me for being on with him and for helping with the show and wishing me luck etc. Now it may not seem like a lot, but I never forgot it, years later in fact he sent me another letter equally as gracious. Politics aside Neil is a class act, a true gentlemen who has overcome many challenges to his health and suits up and shows up everyday. He is an inspiration both personally and professionally and I am grateful for all of the years I have worked with him and his Producer and my good friend Dan Hilsdon. So to answer your question in Neil is a personal friend and I respect the time he took all those years ago to remember my name, write me a handwritten note, lick a stamp and mail it...Whenever I have been tempted to be too busy to talk to someone or sign a book, or talk about the market, or help them with something they need, I think about Neils note and the time he took to encourage me all those years ago and the impact it had on me. We all often do not realize how powerful even our seemingly smallest acts of kindness can change someones life dramatically. (: Thats Why hes my favorite, and hes funny as hell...(: Now ask me my least favorite newscaster.....Now that one is interesting too but I may not post it to protect the guilty... Kevin Kerrs photo.
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 03:24:30 +0000

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