Barbara Boxer una senadora payasa de California, escribe puras - TopicsExpress


Barbara Boxer una senadora payasa de California, escribe puras estupideces al procurador de Justicia Eric Holder. Quien es un titere de San Martin de Porres. AKA Barak Obama. BOXER WRITES TO ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER ABOUT TRAGIC DEATHS IN FERGUSON AND STATEN ISLAND Senator Raises Questions About Handling of Both Cases; Praises Holders Leadership in Launching Federal Civil Rights Investigations Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) sent two pointed letters to Attorney General Eric Holder about two recent killings of unarmed Americans in Ferguson, Missouri, and Staten Island, New York. In her letter about the tragic death of teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Boxer asked the Attorney General to weigh in on whether the Ferguson Police Department and the prosecution acted appropriately in handling the case against Officer Darren Wilson. In her letter about the Staten Island case, Boxer thanked Attorney General Holder for his leadership in opening a civil rights investigation into the death of Eric Garner in Staten Island, New York. The text of the two letters follow: December 5, 2014 The Honorable Eric H. Holder, Jr. Attorney General of the United States 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 Dear Attorney General Holder: The tragedy in Ferguson has shown us that we need to take a long hard look at our criminal justice system and take steps to ensure that it truly delivers justice for all. And, as we saw so painfully this week in New York, Ferguson was not an isolated incident. Too many Americans dont have trust in our system, which undermines our communities and our society as a whole. Some very important questions have been raised about how police and prosecutors handled the events in Ferguson and I think it would be helpful for you, as the chief law enforcement officer of the Federal Government, to make your own assessment. Such an evaluation would help us understand what went wrong and provide insight into how we can fix the problems so that a tragedy like this will not happen again. First, I would appreciate your thoughts on how the Ferguson Police Department handled the investigation in this case. We have heard alarming stories about every step of the process, including insufficient interviews of Darren Wilson and the mishandling of evidence, for example. Among other things, it was reported that Officer Wilson washed blood off of his hands before that evidence could be documented, that the supervising officer who first interviewed Officer Wilson didnt take notes at the session, and that a legal examiner did not take any distance measurements at the scene because they appeared self-explanatory. Second, I would appreciate your views on whether or not the prosecution in this case inappropriately tipped the scales of justice against an indictment during the grand jury proceedings. From the start, the prosecutions actions exacerbated the existing fears that he had a conflict of interest and therefore should have recused himself. As a former county supervisor, I do not remember one of our county prosecutors going into a grand jury proceeding without trying to get an indictment. The fact that it may be permissible under Missouri law does not mean that it was appropriate, let alone just. What is your view of how this obvious bias in favor of law enforcement could have affected the outcome of the grand jury proceeding? It appears from the prosecutions initial inquiries that there was a virtual guarantee of no indictment. What is your assessment of the appearance of bias in the prosecutors choice to present a whole array of defense witnesses, including Officer Wilson, knowing that they would not be subject to cross-examination? 3. There were news reports that the Assistant District Attorney handling the case for Mr. McCulloch instructed jurors on the circumstances under which police can use deadly force based on a statute that was invalidated by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1985. Do you feel that this action by the prosecution could have affected the outcome of the grand jury proceedings? I believe that it is critical to find answers to these important questions in order to restore faith in our justice system and ensure that there is truly justice for all. I look forward to your timely response. Sincerely, Barbara Boxer United States Senator December 5, 2014 The Honorable Eric H. Holder, Jr. Attorney General of the United States 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 Dear Attorney General Holder: Thank you for your leadership in opening a civil rights investigation into the tragic and senseless death of Eric Garner in Staten Island, New York. I remember well the public feelings of shock, anger, and helplessness in response to the shocking videotaped beating of Rodney King in California more than two decades ago. Seeing heartbreaking images like this - with no immediate justice or accountability - remind us that we have a federal system of checks and balances to ensure that our civil rights are protected and justice is served. What most of us saw on that videotape in Staten Island was a man pleading for his life. I feel strongly that it is essential that you examine every remedy available for this mans family, and I appreciate your efforts to ensure that we have a justice system that treats everyone equally under the law. Sincerely, Barbara Boxer United States Senator
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 08:47:01 +0000

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