Based on my dream this morning...................... I just had a - TopicsExpress


Based on my dream this morning...................... I just had a dream that Kevin Spacey was one of my professors in business school. Apparently, we were reviewing our tests we had taken about certain business situations and I had failed, missing nearly all points possible. As he stood there gloating that I completely overlooked that each situation had severe ethical dilemmas, that any decent person should have noticed, I prepared my argument. First, the questions didnt ask for the ethical issues, it asked for each situation to be discussed. One must assume certain parameters. And two, the world has proven time and time again that ethics mean very little in the business world today, as all that matters is whether or not they are protected under the law. Laws and ethics are rarely the same. How can you stand there and denounce me not pointing out the ethics when in the real world we reward those businesses that dodge morality. It is your ethics that are in question. I naturally assume that if these businesses were doing something illegal or wrong, that the free market system and the justice system would not allow them to continue doing business in the first place. If you, the teacher, call them a business, I assume they are permitted, have passed all certifications, and are not violating anyones rights, or they should be in prison and not here in your test questions. Unless, of course, you would like to admit that the entire system is broken and infected? In that case, let me ask you if it is ethical to be teaching young people to get into a field of study that you know is demented, twisted, and will rob participants of their morals? Is it ethical to teach us the right and moral way here in school, knowing full well we wont stand a chance against the reality of the real cutthroat business world? So, why, teacher, are you setting us up to fail? Me flunking your test is an indicator that I see what is really happening, which means I may fail your skewed and unrealistic situation tests, but on the other hand, will pass real life with flying colors...because Im not blind to reality. You are like an office jockey telling soldiers war is beautiful, and Im the crusty veteran of war that knows better than to believe your flowery bullshit. Ive accepted the reality of the situation, why havent you?.......
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 13:24:37 +0000

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