Beata Biro-Nink köszönöm...: Néhány idézet a Yale új - TopicsExpress


Beata Biro-Nink köszönöm...: Néhány idézet a Yale új rektorának beiktatási beszédéből. Ettől Yale a Yale, és attól nagyon káros Hoffman Rózsa and Co., hogy ezt nem látják, vagy nem fogják fel. RZ: arról nem is beszélve, hogy az atyák mondásaival - pirké ávot nyitott. Nálunk a zsidó hagyomány - hivatalos beszédben - eddig csak a zsidóviccek szintjéig jutott el... The recent recession has constrained the resources available to support the discovery of new knowledge. Some in public office have forgotten the indispensable role of higher education [...]It is a sorrow to those of us who believe so deeply in it that some in our country can neither see nor accept the transformative power of a liberal education — how it teaches critical thinking, instills the joy of learning for learning’s own sake, exposes students to cultural and artistic experiences, transforms an individual’s identity, nurtures aspirations to give back, and enriches life. [...] above all, Yale University should always be celebrated for our commitment to teaching at every level, in every classroom. Among the many treasures of this university [..] it is our students who are the greatest treasure of all. [...]I emphasize our educational mission because we are in the midst of a teaching and learning revolution. How we respond — how we stay true to our best traditions while pioneering new frontiers — this is the challenge before us.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 05:58:06 +0000

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