Beautiful day in Tacoma. Sandwiched in between sitting in a - TopicsExpress


Beautiful day in Tacoma. Sandwiched in between sitting in a coffee shop reading The Collective Short Stories of Thomas Wolfe and walking down to the library, I had another conversation with my old classmate Sharon Browne (Sharon Noyes). We have become great friends via our Classmates page on FB, as we hardly knew each other in high school - we ran in different circles (she had different friends and I ran in circles - ha ha). I (re)connected with her last summer, about the time I became engaged to the lady I hadnt seen since Nixon was president. I will say that I have a great many friends who have stood behind me since the traumatic events of last August in Oklahoma City as well as two months later summer, I finally told her that I would not have gotten through it all without her. She seemed stunned and asked, WHY She then claimed that she wasnt book smart, and I responded by telling her that I did not need to discuss the Hegelian influence on Marxist ideology or Immanuel Kants Categorical Imperative and applying it to the short works of Herman Melville (both actual former assignments of mine many a moon ago at N.I.U.) to get through this. She has the patience of a saint, is street smart, and above all, is one of the most intuitive people that I have ever met. She kicked my ass when I needed it and never used the Aw poor baby directive when talking me through meltdowns. She helped me get through that day in while marooned in Oklahoma City when I thought that I was not going to survive what had happened. There appears to be no situation that you can describe to her - both mine and the world about us - that she doesnt have an amazingly logical response to. Im posting this because people need to know what a great lady she is! In addition I have made the right move to the Pacific Northwest, as summer in L.A. would have been unbearable with the memories of one year ago. Short-term goal is looking to Seattle, choosing a college and working on various writing projects. And thank you, Sharon!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 00:55:28 +0000

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