Beautiful night Ugly Ambience Last night was a very unusual - TopicsExpress


Beautiful night Ugly Ambience Last night was a very unusual night, my colleague Vila and I had to go for night outreach to meet some women to sort out something. Since the day we embrace Miqlat, we’ve spend time in the streets most of the days and nights. We’ve had both crazy good, painful, heartbreaking, bad and scary experiences . But we knew this will come our way the day we embrace our calling to work with these women. We experienced physical attack, emotional attack and spiritual attack every time we walk the dark alleys but we always knew that God is watching over us and that there are so many souls praying for protection for us . Last night too like any other nights we went out, we did had a wonderful time meeting friends and getting to cuddle the baby I met when he was a day old and now completed two weeks. He was such a joy and delight. The naughty smile he gives was a real treat for me and vila. Everything was going okay till the time we sat to pray. The attack was very fierce. As we walked out of the house, Vila was sharing how she was attacked to sleep off and how she lost words to pray. She said she nearly fall down. I felt it too but I kept quite knowing I have to be strong for both of us since our night was not yet over. Praying in our hearts we kept walking. As we were approaching our next stop, at one point I stood lost looking at many men who were teasing saying this and that..I’m usually very alert when it comes to outreach but last night I didn’t even see vila walk past me. I stood there lost thinking in my mind I was waiting for vila until she called me asking where I was since she already reached the place we were suppose to go. Its just crazy. If it were other times I will definitely hit back at those teasers but last night I stood there speechless and feeling vulnerable. After realizing what was going on, I walked on to catch up with Vila. We met, finished what we went for and headed home as quickly as possible. Both of us didn’t say anything to each other, we were both trying to smile but in my mind I knew we were both feeling vulnerable and also thankful for His protection. It was not the scariest experience but it was one very unusual night where we both felt the spiritual attack so strongly and felt very vulnerable. It was making me nervous even sitting in the auto alone after vila got down since all were male passengers. But to my surprise, one man turned to me and said, “sister don’t be afraid, I am like your brother, I’ll see you reach home safe”..In all my outreach experience no one has ever said such things to me. God sure knows how much I needed that assurance last night. He saw how I was feeling and He sure did send a guardian angel to comfort and strengthen me in the form of this strange man. I got down and as I walked home, I called santi keyho but didn’t share anything about the night, we just had a casual conversation but it really made me feel light. As soon as I reached home, I threw myself in the bed and cried out to my heart’s content, I don’t know why but guess the experience of the night was just too overwhelming to comprehend for my tired mind after a long days work . But today as I recollect, I can only say, had it not been for God’s protecting hand, I don’t know what would have happened since both of us were feeling vulnerable from the attack. I’m reminded of the Word where it is clearly stated that we wrestle not against flesh and blood , but against rulers, authorities and powers of this dark world…ours is a spiritual warfare…and I’m also comforted knowing that if God is for us, who can be against us. To some I send a message and thanks for your prompt prayers and words of encouragement. We feel the power of your prayers everyday we walk the dark streets wrestling with the powers of darkness. It sure was a beautiful night though the ambience was ugly.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 08:59:13 +0000

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