Because I enjoyed doing my Christmas ones so much, I am doing Lent - TopicsExpress


Because I enjoyed doing my Christmas ones so much, I am doing Lent meditations. It keeps me focused on preparing my heart for Easter. Lent Meditations #1: Mark 14:1-9 biblegateway/passage/?search=Mark+14%3A1-9&version=NIV Traditionally believers participate in Lent to prepare oneself for the celebration of the death and resurrection of Christ. This passage describes a woman, John 12 says it was Mary of Bethany, who pours expensive perfume over Jesus feet while he was at a public dinner. Jesus says she did a beautiful thing to prepare his body for burial. Mary was one of the very few who understood that Jesus was about die. His disciples were pretty clueless even though Jesus had told them several times what was coming. They didnt get it, but Mary did. It was no accident she had that costly perfume on her that day. She did not suddenly decide to anoint Jesus feet. She understood what was about to happen to Jesus. Her heart was preparing for his death, and she acted out of love a did a beautiful thing to prepare Jesus for burial. The disciples and the other witnesses didnt understand and mocked her. They thought her actions were a waste of costly perfume that could have been better spent on the poor. Mary didnt feel that way. She acted out of love to honor Jesus. Jesus didnt think it was a waste either. He defenses her actions and says she will be remembered throughout history for this act. (Which she is!) Some people do not understand the purpose of Lent. I have heard (and seen on FB) people saying giving something up for Lent, or fasting, is a waste of time or just doing a diet. I cannot comment on how individuals are participating in Lent and what it means to them. But for me, when I participate in Lent, it is purposeful and an act of love preparing my heart for understanding and celebrating Easter Sunday. When we participate in Lent by preparing our hearts, understanding the significance of what Jesus did on the cross and in His resurrection, acting out of love towards Him, we honor Him like Mary did pouring costly perfume over Him. We give Jesus our hearts attention, which is more valuable to Him than any costly perfume. He does not consider our fasting and praying a waste of time. They are pleasing to the Lord like the fragrance of expensive perfume.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 06:06:30 +0000

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