Been up since 4 so decided to come on here and actually check my - TopicsExpress


Been up since 4 so decided to come on here and actually check my FB page. My heart is full peeps! I want to thank each and every person who have been praying for Paul and his job situation. My amazing husband has been sending out resumes and going on interviews for an incredibly long time. It has been over 3 years since Pauls job in Cambridge was pulled back to the States. He spent that Spring to Fall applying and going on interviews. He started a job the beginning of that Fall only to have it pulled back to the States as well after he finished his probation period. Paul is sooo determined and has always managed to land on his feet. In Feb of 2013 he started a job as a Construction Millwright. There seemed to be lots of work then just before last Christmas we began to see he was sitting waiting for work more than working. Things seemed to turn around until late Feb early March when work really got patchy. True to his form Paul found a few fill in jobs but nothing seemed to come in on a permanent basis. Yesterday morning we were talking and very discouraged as it is hard to pay bills when there is no money coming in. He shared that he felt he had no choice but to take on shifts that have caused health concerns in the past. Night shifts led to lots of chest heaviness and pain. Our Dr advised against it so he made the change. Now he felt he had no choice. I felt sooo discouraged! I need my hubby and dont want him to risk health issues for a pay cheque. I encouraged him and told him that God had other plans and to not loose heart. I knew God heard our prayers. It is hard to be positive when you are in the midst of difficult circumstances but we were trying. Like I said he has put out MANY resumes. We joked if we had a nickle for each one we would be singin! As we were going about our day Pauls cell phone went off signalling an email had come in. Much to his surprise it was a request for him to set up a job interview. Like many times in the past few years he set up a time and actually went to an interview yesterday at 4:30. Around 6 this man with a huge smile walked into our home. I already knew his news cuz he had called me right away when he got out. Apparently Paul is now gainfully employed once again. He is to start Monday!!!!! We still have a few things to iron out but are ever so grateful to God and each one of you whom have covered us in prayer. We are praying this job will provide us with a consistent income. A neat little aside- It is only 20 minutes to the shop from our home! We will have quite the savings in gas and wear and tear on the car. We serve an awesome God peeps!!!! its been said its always blackest just before the dawn and we both really felt that reality yesterday. Please dont misunderstand, we always knew God was in control and had something in store for us we just needed to lean on the love, prayers and encouragement of our friends when the road got a little difficult. It just goes to show us that we need to be there for one another as we may just be the person God chooses to use to speak words of encouragement to a brother or sister in need. Sitting here feeling totally blessed!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 13:15:38 +0000

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