Before I begin this story, keep in mind that I love people AND - TopicsExpress


Before I begin this story, keep in mind that I love people AND animals and I will give you the benefit of the doubt until my last breath. That being said ... See a dog in the backseat of a car at Whole Foods. Windows cracked. Mass plates (benefit of the doubt number one; maybe its not against the law in MA and they didnt know?) Start the ball rolling with the staff paging the license plate. Watching the dog. Hes okay but panting. Im irritated. Crowd is gathering. They are is irritated. We notice that there is a cell phone on top of the car. Now Im worried about the owner, too. Maybe something happened :-/ Few more minutes go by. Still watching and talking to the dog. Also making kissy faces. Couldnt help myself. Someone calls the cops. Temperature rising, in more ways than one. Karl says we should go and they will take care of it. Haha. Thats funny. Owners come out. A couple. Both still stuffing their faces with pizza as that ask in a panic if something happened to the dog. As soon as I see them I feel my self control evaporating, realizing that they were inside eating, they didnt just run in to grab something. I want to harm them. Physically. And I want to scream. Instead, without a word I get into the car. The dog is safe. I dont like to fight. On the ride home I was dubbed Super D, Protector of all Non-Human Things. Stupid people make me mad. But sometimes they dont know that they are stupid. So I still try to be nice. I didnt trust myself today. Grrrrrrr
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 21:45:54 +0000

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