Before I share a few thoughts with you, I just want to thank you - TopicsExpress


Before I share a few thoughts with you, I just want to thank you for your encouraging comments and insights from time to time. They are a blessing to me personally, and I thank the Lord that they often bless your heart as well! Thank you! THE GOSPEL The Gospel is neither a discussion nor a debate. It is an announcement!” (Dr. Paul S. Rees) FAITH’S RESPONSE One of the most challenging portions of Scripture for me personally is recorded in the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Mark concerning the daughter of Jairus who was sick unto death. You’ll recall that Jesus was willing to go with Jairus to his house where his daughter lay ill to heal her. On their way there, they were interrupted by a woman who had an issue of blood and who had not been helped at all by her doctors, her condition getting worse with each passing day. Jesus healed her, and He and Jairus continued on their way to Jairus’ house when someone from Jairus’ house ran up to him on the road and said, “You daughter has died; why trouble the Teacher any more?” (Mark 5:35). It was right there and then that Jairus had to believe either the messenger from his house or the Lord Jesus. I’m sure that at that moment when Jairus heard the news of his beloved daughter’s death, his entire being stood still within. But Jesus quickly assured him: “Do not be afraid, only believe” (Mark 5:36). Actually, the verb tense in the original language reads, “Do not be afraid, only keep on believing.” I just love that: “Keep on believing.” Jairus had never stopped believing, even when he got the report from the messenger that his daughter had already died!!! Jesus is saying, “You had faith when you came to Me, and your faith was strengthened when you saw what I did for that woman with the issue of blood, so don’t quit now! Keep on believing!” Now, isn’t that just like the sovereign wisdom and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ? He is going to really test Jairus’ faith to the limit with his dying daughter who is then announced as having died, so He sovereignly arranges this woman’s healing to encourage and strengthen Jairus’ for the greater challenge of faith ahead! Obviously, it was far easier for Jairus to trust the Lord while his daughter was still living and while he and Jesus were walking to his house. It may be that to at least some degree, when Jairus’ faith upon hearing about the death of his daughter was initially challenged that he possibly was assaulted with doubt. But we can relate, can’t we, as there have been times when you and I have initially tended to give way to doubts as well when circumstances and our feelings have overwhelmed us. Sometimes, God has delayed, and we have wondered why. But if doubt assailed Jairus, it certainly was only for a flashing moment, because Jesus’ testimony about his faith was that Jairus had never stopped believing or exercising faith! No matter what you are facing today, either from the past, present, or something that looms in the future, don’t let any circumstances or people or odds overwhelm you! Just keep believing and trusting the Lord who is above all and controls all down here below as well as in the heavens! Remember, faith’s response was faith rewarded and Jairus’ daughter was raised from the dead! If Jesus can overcome her situation, what do you think He can do for you in your situation? “Keep on believing!” MORE TOMORROW! STAY TUNED!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 22:48:01 +0000

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