Before experiencing a spiritual awakening: trust God, clean house, - TopicsExpress


Before experiencing a spiritual awakening: trust God, clean house, help others. After experiencing a spiritual awakening: trust God, clean house, help others. In order to live outside the game, abandon your illusion of dominion. Although unable to comprehend quantum mechanics, yet choosing to draw upon the concepts: omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, it would seem infinitely more simplistic to explain what God is not, rather than endeavor to unravel what God is. Both the mystic and the quantum physicist affirm that our world is but an illusion. Refrain from postponing the dance; the very nature of the dream is to thoroughly enjoy the dance right now, ever remembering to always strive to dance with: passion, humility, and integrity. After having pursued it all and discovered that none of it works, one my realize by default that the only remaining option is the exploration of truth. All roads to higher awareness lead within. When you are able to connect with and align your God given: gifts, talents, and attributes in some form of enthusiastic service toward others, you will truly know what it’s like to live in: peace, love, and joy. We cannot fully access our gifts until we become willing to completely unwrap the package. One may define success in many ways; however, there exists a catch within such latitude. If you are not able and/or willing to go beyond the five senses, accessing and utilizing your higher-self during this process, then the real question must be, how big a price are you willing to pay to live by a fiction that your ego and culture have collectively handed you. Silver ring - $1,000; European vacation - $10,000; Luxury automobile - $100,000; Opulent house - $1,000,000; Inner peace - Priceless Regardless of quantity and/or perceived quality, all exterior distractions will eventually fail to shield you from your self. As a result of circumstance, one will inevitably be forced to: drop the mask, look within, and practice being real. Until that moment arises, I wish you the blessings of an upcoming moment of clarity or enough pain and suffering created by your own self-will to necessitate a yearning for spiritual development. When enough people find the courage required to chase their passion, which will invariably allow them to connect with their God given gifts, the world will become a much better place to live. Time is always now; one must embrace now in order to escape the illusion. Everything in the universe is a vibration, and human beings live in a very small frequency band; consequently, most are oblivious to the totality of existence, as am I. Often one must gaze through darkness in order to see the light. Life is not meant to be a struggle; however, we all have free-will and may learn our lessons the hard way if we choose. Challenge yourself to escape the box. The mystic, as well as the quantum physicist, will both affirm that distinctions are but illusions. When we can move beyond a third dimensional reality of: separation, fear, and limitation and enter a fifth dimensional reality of unity consciousness, we will be able to move closer to each other and closer to the One. Want to change the world for the better? Stop looking for differences in others and start noticing similarities. I am a child of God. If when looking at me you do not see God‘s perfection, maybe it’s time to examine what is actually going on inside yourself. The exterior will only shied the interior for so long; the day will come when everyone will be forced to look within. When you become willing to relinquish the lie, you may harvest the blessings our Creator has waiting for you. Pearls are not warehoused on the lowest branches to be grasped by fools. We are all Sparks of the Devine with the capacity to become an Eternal Flame, yet each Spark must be fanned through: honest, fearless, and consistent introspection in order to become that Flame. Reflecting upon the Infinite as an eternal being only leads me to conclude that the time spent here on the physical plane during this incarnation is considerably less than a grain of sand on a vast and seemingly endless beach. The head can never deliver what the heart desires. … There is a metaphor located in the Preface of “The Sermon on the Mount” by Emmet Fox which correlates the process of spiritual development with “the search from diamonds” and encourages the seeker of truth to continue digging beneath the “yellow clay” to reach the treasure trove of “spiritual discoveries” located within the “blue clay.” Throughout the past 15 years, I have scurried about the yellow clay attempting to uncover spiritual truth often wandering in circles within this yellow clay. Many of the teachings that I have recently offered, I had been exposed to many years ago; however once unearthed, I mistakenly pressed on attempting to locate additional truth, thus never grasping Fox’s wisdom motivating the individual to remain in place and dig deeper. Within the past year, I have picked up the pace regarding my pursuit of spiritual diamonds and thus through a series of synchronicities, the Universe positioned a man with five PhD’s and numerous masters degrees in my path. This man (S.) has been traveling “The Fourth Way” (Esoteric Christianity) for over thirty years, and he has committed to personally work with me as I transverse this most recent stage of my journey striving to press on to reach the blue clay and beyond. Additionally within the past year, I have been blessed with a couple “running buddies” (R. & M.), other profound seekers who enhance and enrich my life while sharing our mutual quest. The path I have chosen integrates my most recent postings of: “The Fourth Way” (Know Thyself), Anthroposophy, and “The Wisdom Teachings.” Imperatively, there is a big difference between “exoteric” teachings and “esoteric” teachings. Exoteric teachings are readily assessable in the West and teach spiritual truth. Whereas, esoteric teachings avail the aspirant insight on how to implement that truth into one’s “being” in order to gain higher states of consciousness. From my most recent juncture, my current mission began with the aid of S. through the teachings of G. in the book “In Search of the Miraculous” by O. This is a great book! Also over this past year, I have been “inspired” to compile the reflections on top and save the images which I offered in the previous post; these expressions somewhat communicate who I am at this moment in time to those who may be interested in connecting with me on a deeper level. I am available to anyone, anytime, to share my experience, strength, and hope. Additionally, I am including an on-line text of “The Sermon on the Mount” by Emmet Fox, the book that began to somewhat unobscure and transform my warped and limited reality. Blessings to all; love & light, David - “Thy will be done.” - “The Sermon on the Mount” by Emmet Fox harrykatz/Sermon/Sermon_On_The_Mount_eBook.pdf * Note: For those interested in browsing previous postings on my page, the setting titled “Highlights” needs to be changed to “All Stories;” otherwise, many items get filtered out. .
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 03:59:21 +0000

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