Being in Charge - Leo likes to be seen as an authority figure to - TopicsExpress


Being in Charge - Leo likes to be seen as an authority figure to be looked up to at all times. Try breaking the ice with your special lion by coming to them for advice on a subject they take pride in knowing a lot about. Afterward, thank them heartily and sincerely for being so helpful. Philanthropy - Open up conversation with your Leo by talking about your favorite charities and the ways in which you give back to your fellow man on a daily basis. Leos are philanthropists who delight in helping people and enjoy being around other generous types as well. The Spotlight - Step back and allow your Leo to be the center of attention. These are people who love the spotlight and appreciate partners who allow them to bask in it whenever possible. Leo Turn-Offs Criticism - Dont ever criticize your Leo. Leo natives are confident people who know how to make a splash, but their large egos are nevertheless easily bruised. If you must speak harsh truths, sugar-coat what you want to say first, and then sugar-coat it some more. Theres no such thing as too tactful when it comes to dealing with a Leos pride. Negativity - Leos hate negative people. Like the Sun that rules them, these people are positive, positive, positive! Even when youre feeling down, your Leo would prefer you look on the bright side and make every effort to keep smiling. Being Dominated - Dont be bossy, domineering, or pushy. Leo likes to be in charge whenever possible and doesnt share the reins attached to a given situation willingly. They dont want to fight you for the spotlight either. Bland Attire -Dont be slovenly or boring in your style of dress. Leos are typically good-looking, well-dressed people who appreciate other people who are the same. Going the extra mile to look your best will take you far with your Leo. Injustice - Dont lie or be the sort who is always trying to put one over on people. Fairness and justice are very important concepts to Leo. They have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to anyone who acts out of selfishness or greed ##LEO
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 02:03:05 +0000

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