Beloved Ones , For all those that need more detail to tune in - TopicsExpress


Beloved Ones , For all those that need more detail to tune in to the Event Sacred Sound & Language of Light on the 18th & 19th in Pisaq , PazyLuz . A summary of it : Mission Awaken to their pure essence and to their true Self whilst assisting to recall, remember and activate their Souls ‘s Mission and Purpose. How ? I am offering a journey to explore the deepest levels of their God Self , raise the untapped levels of consciousness awareness and interconnection with everything There is ,whilst connecting to the heart and to the Love frequency of their I am Presence. This takes place , through interactive creative exercises to assist to release what is not aligned to their highest good and collect the potentials and gifts they were born to share by opening their voice to their true essence .through Light Language . The High voltage frequency and Light medicine from the Light language will repair /Upgrade damaged DNA and activate the dormant one , restoring over time of integration an awaken life of love and Abundance . Target group: Everyone feeling that : There is more to themselves than this body , this Spirit and this Soul , this life , this planet .. That separation is an illusion and we are all interconnected in the Oneness The deep call from their Soul to unite and invite the local identity , personality , singularity to dance in sacred Union To all those wonderful Beings , light workers , way showers, pioneers that find themselves stuck in their journey to take the next step to descend to themselves merge with their Soul and then prepare to evolute, shift frequency , ascend and become inter dimensional Beings. 5. Benefits to those who come ; Able to open themselves to their pure essence and to the Innocence of the child. Understand and the role of stuck energies, life lessons , experiences and expressions of Soul More consciously aware of themselves, who they are , why they are here and their purpose after integration time Live a life of love , ease and Grace activated from the Stargate of the Heart Ability to flow with the rivers of the current and live life in the moment , in the I am Presence sovereign and empowered Ability to co-create and inter create their own reality.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 00:59:39 +0000

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