Benghazi was a planned, sophisticated attack by al Qaeda against a - TopicsExpress


Benghazi was a planned, sophisticated attack by al Qaeda against a barely protected American outpost. Obama lied, so vicious a lie, so seditious, that if we had a functioning government he would be impeached and indicted. Hillary lied. Jay Carney lied. And was still lying weeks, months after the attack. The more we learn, the more we see what a monster we elected. In yet another declaration of war on September 11, al Qaeda attacked and burned our consulate to the ground in Benghazi and murdered our ambassador and three attaches. Despite repeated cries for help from the two US soldiers on the ground battling these savages alone, Obama refused help. The buck stops with that weak and feckless traitor. Traitor is too harsh, you say? What else would you call a Commander-in-Chief who armed the attackers, refused military backup to the skeletal response team on the ground, and then covered up for the murdering savage militia by blaming the first amendment and some YouTube amateur filmmaker? Over a year after the murderous attack, finally, media is talking straight about Benghazi. I am not surprised that Lara Logan is the reporter on the story. She was attacked by Muslim supremacists in Cairo while reporting on the Muslim Brotherhood revolution, aka the Arab Spring. A quick reaction force from the CIA annex ignored orders to wait and raced to the compound at times running and shooting their way through the streets just to get there. Inside the compound they repelled a force of over 60 jihadists and managed to save 5 American lives and recover the body of Foreign Service officer Sean Smith. So there would have been more dead if Obama had his way. Who gave the order to wait? Correspondent Lara Logan and 60 Minutes producer Max McClellan spent a year reporting on the September 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. Mission Compound in Benghazi. Lara and Max discuss their investigation in a Q&A with 60 Minutes Overtime below: What kind of obstacles did you encounter along the way? Lara Logan: An extraordinary amount of pressure on the people involved not to talk. And an extraordinary amount of pressure on anyone in the government--the military side, the political side--not to say anything outside of official channels. I mean, to the point where people that weve known for years would call people who were no longer in their positions, and they would call someone else that we knew, and messages would be delivered like that because there couldnt be any trail linking you directly to our story. The administration is cracking down so hard on leakers: no one wants to put anything in writing, everybody is scared to talk over the phone, people want to meet in person--all of that makes it that much harder to investigate anything. President Obama and Hillary Clinton are glaringly absent from this report. The following script is from Benghazi which aired on Oct. 27, 2013. The correspondent is Lara Logan. Max McClellan, producer. 60 Minutes Overtime When Chris Stevens was killed in Benghazi, Libya, on the anniversary of September 11th last year, it was only the sixth time that the United States had lost an ambassador to its enemies. The events of that night have been overshadowed by misinformation, confusion and intense partisanship. But for those who lived through it, theres nothing confusing about what happened, and they share a sense of profound frustration because they say they saw it coming. Tonight, you will hear for the first time from a security officer who witnessed the attack. He calls himself, Morgan Jones, a pseudonym hes using for his own safety. A former British soldier, hes been helping to keep U.S. diplomats and military leaders safe for the last decade. On a night he describes as sheer hell, Morgan Jones snuck into a Benghazi hospital that was under the control of al Qaeda terrorists, desperate to find out if one of his close friends from the U.S. Special Mission was the American hed been told was there.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 00:14:57 +0000

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