Bhagawan Nityananda: Grace of Guru-Disciple Relationship - TopicsExpress


Bhagawan Nityananda: Grace of Guru-Disciple Relationship ~ Bhagawan #Nityananda always said it is not the Guru’s grace toward the disciple that matters; it is the disciple’s grace toward the Guru that is of much greater importance. The moment a disciple surrenders himself completely to the Guru, the Guru’s grace will be bestowed automatically full measure. If the disciple’s grace is there, it will attract the Guru’s grace. But if there is no discipleship, the teachings of the Guru cannot take root. ~ Once a seeker went to the great Sufi Guru Dho’l-Nun and asked him for teachings. “Can you stay with me for a few days?” the Guru asked. “I don’t have time,” said the seeker. “I want the teachings right away. Please give them to me now.” “Very well,” said Dho’l-Nun. “There is a great being who lives across the river. Go to him and he will give you the teachings.” He handed the seeker a small box and said, “Carry this box to the saint and tell him that you have come from me. But make sure that you take good care of the box and its contents.” ~ The seeker took the box and set out for the river. When he was halfway there, he began to hear something squeaking inside the box. By the time he reached the river, he was overcome by curiosity, so he opened the box and looked inside. A small mouse jumped out and ran away. The seeker saw that it would be useless to try to recapture the mouse, so he closed the box and continued on his way. When he reached the house of the great being, he handed him the box and said, “I have been sent to you by Dho’l-Nun. He told me that you would give me teachings.” The great being opened the box and looked inside. “Wasn’t there something in this box?” he asked. “Yes,” said the seeker, “there was a mouse, but on the way here I opened the box, and the mouse jumped out.” “What did Dho’l-Nun tell you?” the saint asked. “Didn’t he tell you to take care of the box? Did he say you should open it and look inside? If you can’t even take care of a small mouse, how will you be able to take care of these great teachings? Get out !” ~ If a disciple does not imbibe the Guru’s teachings with firm faith, if he does not make an effort to follow the path the Guru has shown, he will not receive the Guru’s blessings in full measure. That is why it is said that the Guru is the one who shows the right path, and the disciple is the one who walks on that path. If the two come together, God reveals Himself ! ~ Source: ‘Where Are You Going’ by Swami #Muktananda ~
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 10:45:19 +0000

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