Big Govment IS the biggest threat to the country... In other - TopicsExpress


Big Govment IS the biggest threat to the country... In other words, it is going to be very hard for Obama to change the subject to income inequality. Even if he succeeds for a time, the Obamacare disaster will haunt those efforts as well. Today, a record 72 percent of Americans say big government is the biggest threat to our country — the highest that number has been in 50 years of polling. Concern with big government is so bad, even a majority of Democrats — 56 percent — consider it the biggest threat the nation faces. So not only do Americans not trust Obama, they also have never been more skeptical of bi -government solutions to our nation’s problems. So the president can talk all he wants about income inequality, but it’s unlikely anyone will trust him with a solution.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 03:24:37 +0000

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