Big news guys! My sis and I have an opp to get in front of some - TopicsExpress


Big news guys! My sis and I have an opp to get in front of some investors to pitch our app Boudoir, but we need your help voting for us in this competition. Voting closes in a few hours! Whadya say? Def Lia I think you are really cool and would like to help, what do I do? -- The UX of this site is horrible so attached are step by step photos (4 steps!) to vote. Link above (scroll down the page to vote) Lia youre not really my favorite person but I could be swayed, whats in it for me? -- Vote and leave a comment/msg me saying you did and I will deliver you a LiaCef care package. I do promise this: LC care packages are never boring. -- I get some sick joy out of doing people favors...consider an IOU from me :) -- A wise and soul-captivating musical genius once said, What goes around comes around... THANK YOU GUYS!! I have a lot of love in my heart and Im sending it to all of you right now. PS - go download Boudoir in the App Store
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 18:26:10 +0000

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