Billion voice. One keyboard TEARS OF ONION Onions are big - TopicsExpress


Billion voice. One keyboard TEARS OF ONION Onions are big issue today. It is also window to some of the worst things happening in our system. Why the government could not see the possible fallout three months back when the crisis was already full blown? Why they could not see that the crisis is a man made crisis and hoarders are to be blamed? What new input did they get so that they could make out that it was not a natural crisis but a deliberate attempt for profiteering? Why did they not see that in case this crisis blows out of proportion the loss, as history tells us, is completely theirs? What prevented the government to go on an onion trail in different states from actual producers to the consumers to figure out where the crime was being committed and who was committing it? If the crisis is due to natural reasons then why in the last so many months no steps were taken to ease up import, restrict export and catch the hoarders. Why do leaders expect this crisis not to be made a political issue? Why the common man should not think that deliberately nothing was done about the onion crisis just to facilitate the hoarders to make huge money at the cost of the common man. And now when enough black money has been made, a face saving statement is being issued that actually it were the hoarders who are responsible for the crisis? As if the might of the sovereign country India is like a paralytic patient in comparison to hoarders in the garb of WWE wrestlers. In election year this acquires a very sinister meaning. Another simple question which needs an answer – what credentials do leaders or political parties have for getting a specific portfolio every time they are elected and are in the cabinet. Why Anthony for Defence, why Pawar for agriculture, why party from Bihar or Bengal for rail ministry? Unless you have a credible answer to it look what happened in the agriculture ministry. They could or did not want to foresee the looming crisis and take appropriate measures? Is the Honorable Agriculture Minister only a crystal ball gazer predicting the onion tsunami which is to hit India and how many weeks it will last? Is it not his job to see that this never happens? We could shift millions of people to safety in 48 hrs in Odisha on a weather report. Is our technology, market studies and weather predictions about agricultural crops so pathetic that we could not take corrective measures for an entire season? The common man may have all these questions but their elected representatives cannot be made to reply to any one of them. The normal process to ask questions from the government is through our representative in the legislature. It has become a farce primarily because there is hardly any work being done in the legislative sessions and secondarily because almost every one of our legislator is aware of what is happening. It is not only with the present government but any government. To find answers we wait for directives from the courts. There is a growing trend among the Government and Executive to get into damage control mode only when the court directs. Till then they remain moot spectator to the wrongs going on. The executive sits on its wide bottom doing absolutely nothing. And the people pay for their siesta. Epilogue: Such kind of articles you will find in almost every magazine and newspaper. You read it and feel one with the writer, pick a bag and go out to buy some onions. These articles are merely academic and do not give solutions and you do not expect one from them. Want to connect with people who feel exactly the same and want do something about it. Become a member of Votebook .
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 06:24:09 +0000

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