Bills first mistake was believing that humanity in general and - TopicsExpress


Bills first mistake was believing that humanity in general and Americans in particular are capable of democracy. How would a nation -- not really a country, so much as 300 million lost and intentionally-disinformed subjugants all gathered together on the same colonized continent and chasing the same mythological, phony paper like its the only reason to live -- propagandized so monumentally to believe in money-as-religion and in the fantasy of endless and spectacular growth rendered from a finite, dwindling resource base arrive at such a thing as democracy? Humans and Americans could care less about democracy, except as a tool for ideological self-aggrandizement of themselves as the Holy Guardians of Freedom on Earth when in fact their behavior indicates that they really subscribe to the dominant axiom of Ive got mine and F you. If they did value representative democracy (beyond their shiftlessly apathetic, vulgar desire to see it turned into a cross between professional wrestling and a late-night hucksters infomercial), theyd have made meaningful mention -- and no, babbling on the Internet to no one in particular like I am doing right now does NOT qualify as meaningful mention -- of the last vestiges of it being auctioned off to the highest bidders these last 30 years or so. All you need to know about the power structure -- from the corporations that own and operate it to the legislators they puppetize to do their bidding like a Congress full of zombified little Charlie McCarthy dummies -- was written down on paper by Lewis Powell in his fetching little Memorandum of 1971 as a clarion call to intentionally destroy the gains of the Sixties social revolution and cement their control over things so that such a thing would NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN, ever. The subsequent 40 years have but filled in the blanks of a dystopic, conscienceless spiral into corporate-controlled resources, elections and life itself at the behest of the Captains of Industry and their acolytes in the Ministry of Propaganda -- oops I mean the mass media -- that has succeeded beyond even the wildest imaginations of the Powells, the Leo Strausses and the Edward Bernays-style elites who fancy civilization as a vehicle for the mass enslavement of the human race to the Pure Profit Motive that sociopaths such as they always adore so very intensely. Unless Bill is going to hit the airwaves with a meaningful critique of this evil, ridiculous and delusional socioeconomic system, he will be tilting at the windmills of the symptoms, as the disease rages unchecked to happily and voraciously devour our planet and our species.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 01:00:11 +0000

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