Billy Davis • 13 hours ago So check this out. Half way through - TopicsExpress


Billy Davis • 13 hours ago So check this out. Half way through the video this guy who fights for Ukraine not in the military but as a paramilitary volunteer admits to looting from the east Ukrainians and says: Im not afraid to say we tortured people. Well he isnt just some citizen. The reporter doesnt mention this but if you look at his hat its the Ukrainian trident symbol, only, the colors arent Ukrainian blue and gold. Theyre red and black. Youll see a few more red and black flags in the crowed throughout the video. Those are the colors of Pravyi Sektor or Right Sector, a far-right ultra-nationalist group largely responsible for violence in Kiev in late 2013 and into February of this year. Their official flag is two bars in the same fashion as Ukraines flag, but red and black and with white lettering denoting their name. This red, black and white color scheme is a direct reference to their National Socialist (Nazi) roots. The right sector flag is identical to the flag of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army used in the 1940s, and so are their beliefs. They were created to join the Third Reich and fight their Soviet oppressors had ruled Ukraine for decades, and they used their alliance with Nazi Germany (though their ultimate goal was an independent Nazi Ukraine) to carry out atrocities like the Massacre of Poles in Volhnyia ( The idea being that Ukraine and Poland had been fighting over the region for a while, and the best way to ensure it becomes Ukrainian is to murder every Pole they could find. As we know however, the war ended with the defeat of Nazis and Ukraine would become the second strongest nation in the Soviet Union for the next half-century; but after the fall of the Soviet Union this Ukrainian Nationalist ideology came to light again. Thats why the Ukrainian government wouldnt let them march in their parade; but they obviously dont mind sending them to loot and ravage the ethnic Russians of their eastern province because thats what all of this boils down to. Ethnic cleansing. Not necessarily genocide, but at least forcing ethnic Russians out of Ukraine completely. These far-right Ukrainians see the only path to peace and being free of the Russian yoke is clearing Ukraine of all Russians entirely; just as their predecessor cleared south-eastern Poland in the last century. The Ukrainian military is outmatched by the Russian Federation in raw military might, but they are not fighting the full force of the Federation yet. They are just fighting pro-Russian Ukrainians armed and aided (not so) secretly by Russians who want to seize the territory for themselves.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 02:39:00 +0000

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