Biography of Yulia Tymoshenko Tymoshenko has repeatedly stated - TopicsExpress


Biography of Yulia Tymoshenko Tymoshenko has repeatedly stated in the press that her childhood was not rosy. She made her way in life alone , with no influential patrons , solely due to the innate leadership abilities . Father - Vladimir Abramovich Grigjan (real Grigyanis ) , mother - Lyudmila Telegina . When she was two years old , his father left the family . . Daughter remained recorded on the paternal surname. School years Yulia Grigjan passed as many Soviet children. They lived with his mother in the usual block five-storey building on the Avenue of Kirov in Dnepropetrovsk (52 sq. m. , 3 rooms, living room combined with a small kitchen ) . Tymoshenko s mother worked in a taxi cab dispatcher . Now Julia recalls that grew under austerity . Besides the need to provide for themselves and daughter , her mother took care of my grandmother and her sisters family . They were mostly boys . With girls Julia Grigjan was uninteresting . In the doll she played . Primary and secondary school classes were held in the school number 37 , and the last two classes Grigjan studying at schools e number 75 . She came here once with a pre-election visit , saying: On the thirty-seventh e schools , I almost did not remember . Homeroom teacher in high school, Julia was a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature Tamil Furman . She recalls: TOP was not , however , studied without a triple . In high school, Julia was fond of rhythmic gymnastics. Those who knew Julia as a child , still convinced that she was going to go to the sport . After school she goes to Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute , but very quickly takes out documents and feeds them to the Dnepropetrovsk State University , the Faculty of Economics , choosing Economic Cybernetics . First year at university ( 18 years) married Oleksandr Tymoshenko , and 19 gave birth to her daughter Eugenia . Married life and motherhood significantly narrow circle of friends women, even so active as YV Newlyweds do not live in a dorm . Father Alexander her husband - a man in Dnepropetrovsk quite influential , although a young family , none of the parents does not sit on the neck . There are several versions of Julia dating her future husband , who, incidentally , a year younger than her . One by one, by journalists and partially confirmed most YV, somehow in her apartment sounded a phone call. The young man on the other end had the wrong number and wait in the tube nice girls voice was in no hurry to interrupt the conversation. Word for word , young people agreed on a date. Recall - Julia and then just turned seventeen years old , and her casual gentleman - all sixteen. However , young people met little mene e years, then - the wedding and the birth of his daughter. Nevertheless , there is another version: the phone call was not already so random. Alexander did not know where to call , its true. But he was just playing a game whose rules are required to dial any number and if the voice would have liked to start more serious friendship. So the boy ran into one of Julias friends. That allegedly first began to gather on a date, but at the last moment changed her mind and asked Julia to go instead - appointment was near the entrance to the deaf club . In 1984 Tymoshenko graduated from the University with honors and distribution begins work as an engineer - economist at the Dnepropetrovsk Machine-Building Plant named after Lenin. In big business came from Lady S small . These episodes of his biography Yulia Tymoshenko press reports superficially and as briefly as possible . Heres how they are traditionally served in the media: In the early 90s , my husband and I borrowed $ 5,000 and bought a retail space on the Moscow Commodity Exchange - says Yulia Tymoshenko . They took a loan from friends and created a cooperative , which is engaged in providing services to the population . The following year, Yulia Tymoshenko headed the youth center Terminal is not created without the support of local Komsomol. In May 1991, was formally united capital of two families - Tymoshenko Tymoshenko and - older - younger . As Yulia been very active in business and had a stronger grip that the main driver was the family business that she and Gennady Timoshenko - a kind of brain clan. Lady S considers itself : all those interested in the details of her life enough to know that she was starting a business with a network video clubs . The first money earned Yulia Tymoshenko so - organized youth center Terminal . He was going to trade in petroleum products , and another eminent countryman Lady Yu , head of the Propaganda and Agitation of the Dnepropetrovsk regional committee of Komsomol Tihipko ( in the future - the chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine , a prominent politician and a political opponent of Tymoshenko ) , such useful initiatives have supported . But for the further implementation of these initiatives was needed capital base , and - quickly earned . So at this stage , as the press writes, connected in-law . While Gennadi Tymoshenko headed the regional theaters. Cooperative Terminal actively developed . After the distribution of foreign films , he began to organize concerts of rock bands. Tymoshenko dreams of a more serious and large-scale business - she wants to export oil products to Ukraine . Since 1991 Y. - CEO of Ukrainian Oil (KUB , which established jointly with her husband ) . Equity and bank loans CUP Yulia Tymoshenko sends for the purchase of fuel and lubricants . It is this line of business in those days most demanded society : it was in 1991 - the year of the collapse of a huge state and economic structure , inflation and almost instant death of Ukrainian agriculture . CUP by 1995 turned into a joint Ukrainian- British industrial and financial corporation United Energy Systems of Ukraine ( EESU ) with a turnover of $ 11 billion and with the support of the party chairman Community Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko , a monopoly on trade with Russian natural gas Ukraine. In 1995 Yulia Tymoshenko becomes president of the company , United Energy Systems of Ukraine ( EESU ) . In early 1997, Yulia Tymoshenko as president YESU really controls 25 % of the economy of Ukraine. During this period Tymoshenko comes to fame . Appears stream of articles and videos . Sanctify her clothes collection and Bobrinetsky football team Innovator was renamed Julia - Innovator In late 1996, Yulia Tymoshenko s candidature by-election on Bobrinetsky majoritarian constituency number 229 Kirovograd region . The election results have been more than successful - Yulia Vladimirovna I showed one of the best results - 92.3 % of the vote . In January 1997, Tymoshenko received parliamentary mandate . Incidentally , YV e entered parliament not prolazarenkovskuyu faction Unity and the pro-presidential Constitutional Center . Becoming a peoples deputy, Tymoshenko is actively engaged in party work - in the middle of 1997, she draws membership in Community - a party that was created four years ago Lazarenko . Becoming one of the leaders of Community , Yulia Tymoshenko , I greatly raised the rating of the party. - From the first block is enough to understand the moral concepts of girls ( dad husband was responsible employee , but they did not rely on his powers ... And then Julia Ostapyan - Blumberg Ibrahim Bey ... ( see the script in Ilf and Petrov ) suffered , and how all of the horn of plenty and the works of the righteous , of course, in your own sweat ) Commenting on the massacre in Kiev Jewish boys , Yevgeny Chervonenko said : I am very surprised that there was such a reaction from the government and the Prime Minister. Especially the mother Yulia Tymoshenko - a Jew , and his father - Armenian In late August 2005, the media reported that Tymoshenko countryman Evgeny Chervonenko Alfredovich who never denied his Jewish origin, has publicly stated that Tymoshenko - a Jew. Naturally, the press service of the Fatherland was forced to make a response statement, which means that Tymoshenko Latvian father and mother - Ukrainian. Subsequently, this was confirmed by Tymoshenko herself , adding that her father on his line until the hundredth knee Lett . However, then this information is limited tenth kolenom.Pro her maiden name Tymoshenko said that it sounded as early Grigyas or Grigyanis , but during the communist regime and the repression because the letter s at the end of the word has been replaced by n and as a result turned into Grigjan . Such a declaration entailed many investigative journalism. But it is not about etom.Posmotrim at this situation from the other side. If the father is actually a Latvian Tymoshenko , why her grandfather was Abram ? Tell me, how much do you know Latvians purely Jewish name Abram ? I am sure that you can get around the whole of Latvia , Lithuania and Estonia , and not find any native resident named Abram and surname Grigjan . Thats because the name was not common for residents of the Baltic countries , but it is quite common among Armenian Jews. Especially a lot of them in Nagorno Karabahe.Mestny ethnographer Leo Azatian says that Grigjan - known gerdastan (genus) in Karabakh , which has an aristocratic origin. Members of the genus Grigyanov mostly dispersed among Askeran valiantly participated in the fight against the Ottomans , invested their contribution to the defense of Karabakh in 1918-1921 , participated in the political resistance subordination of Karabakh to Azerbaijan in 1923 and were punished for it in the Stalinist period , - said Azatian . To date, the Nagorno-Karabakh has dozens of families Grigyanov.V Yerevan found only one couple with a name , and some experts argue that the name Grigjan common among Bessarabian Jews and Gypsies. In justification of Yulin words worth noting that Moldova is also not usual residents by name Grigyan.Ne can not quote correspondent Israeli Russian-language newspaper Vesti Shimon Briman , direct eyewitness Orange Revolution : In the two Jewish communities under my big secret was told Yulia Timoshenko - halachic Jew. Not surprising. If orange synagogue helps rebels , then why not head Jewess Ukrainian national movement ? In the same 2005 Chaim Graetz wrote that Greater Israel , which plans to build gipersionisty , needs a strong and independent ally in the region. Thus , in their view , could become Ukraine Tymoshenko . It is known , in Israel there is documentation that Yulia Tymoshenko is halachic Jew . This paper is not nothing but a copy originals Ukrainian archives. I will use only those parts of the documents that can be found in the former USSR . I am sure many will be interested to know the truth about kind of Yulia Tymoshenko , either deliberately or accidentally confused her . You must agree , it would be unfair if the roots of the Ukrainian opposition leader would stop to have a second knee. - and that says it all for clever and stupid is all one can not explain , they always : flea change , well, that is , they pohrenu : either hang himself or pounded suicide .
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 11:56:04 +0000

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