Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem Secularism: A Kufr - TopicsExpress


Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem Secularism: A Kufr Aqeedah Millions of Muslims pray annually during Hajj for the revival of the Muslim Ummah, the dominance of Islam over Kufr, the liberation of Kashmir, Palestine, Kosovo and other Muslin lands from the dominance of the Kuffar and the elevation of the Muslim Ummah to its past glory. Similarly, millions of Muslims supplicate to Allah every day and special prayers are offered during Ramadhan for the Ummah; but we find that in spite of these sincere prayers, the situation of the Muslim Ummah has been declining from bad to worse, day by day, and many sincere Muslims wonder why Allah does not listen to their prayers and why He has given a free hand to the Kuffar to maim, slaughter and destroy the Ummah as and when they wish. This is in spite of the fact that Muslims undoubtedly believe in Allah while the Kuffar are bent upon destroying Islam. Due to this situation many scholars, Islamic groups and individuals from amongst the Muslim Ummah took it upon themselves to rid the Ummah of this rotten state and they intended to do this by encouraging Muslims to pray all the five prayers in the mosque, pray as much ?Nawafil? as they can, keep fasts and perform pilgrimages to Makkah regularly in addition to telling the truth and being honest and humble. This is because they thought that the decline of Muslims occurred because these qualities vanished from amongst the Muslims and revival can only occur if Muslims start performing these actions and inculcate these qualities in themselves. If we study the actual position we will find that no amount of prayers or honesty and truthfulness alone will lead the Ummah to revival because these are not the reasons for the Muslims` decline in the first place and, furthermore, Islam requires much more from us than just some rituals if we really wish to work for the revival of the Ummah. The reason for the Muslims decline is not that Muslims do not pray enough or that they do not have enough ?Taqwah?; anyone in doubt should see the mosques during Ramadhan or listen to the cries of Muslims during Hajj. Indeed the reason is not this. If one were to review the history of Islam one would find that one of the major reasons was the stopping of Ijtihad in Islam. Ijtihad is the process by which the Shariah rule is derived from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) for a new problem. This was combined with detaching the Arabic language from Islam thus robbing Islam of its vitality. Thus we find that when Europeans were in the process of Renaissance and Industrial Revolution, Muslims were satisfied with their past glory and progress and they just started ignoring the European progress. In fact some Muslim scholars started calling for the boycotting of Western products and culture. This was because the process of Ijtihad had been stopped and the scholars could not identify what to take and what not to take from the West, therefore they decided to take nothing and decided that anything taken from the West was evil and forbidden. This resulted in almost the same situation as the Europeans had experienced a few centuries earlier when the Church, in the name of God, collaborated with the Kings and perpetrated all sorts of injustices upon the people and tried to stop / limit research and development to suit their agenda. Although the situation in the Muslim world was not this bad, the Kuffar however realized that this was a golden opportunity for them to strike a fatal blow to Islam. Thus they unleashed a host of false propaganda against Islam like the incompatibility of Islam with a modern lifestyle and the inability of Islam to solve new problems. Muslims thought this to be an attack on Islam and came out on the defensive. In their folly they did exactly what the Kuffar wanted them to do. They became secular. During the period when the Church, in collaboration with the Kings, was exploiting the people of Europe, some thinkers appeared in Europe who called for separation of the Church and state while others wanted complete abolition of the Church; this was because they considered the Church to be the real hindrance in their progress. Finally the opinion of ?separation of Church from state? prevailed and thus this thought was adopted by the Western world. By adopting this thought i.e. by detaching religion from public life, everything in the Western world changed. They started making their own laws instead of following ?Gods laws?. Some Western countries adopted democracy as their ruling system, which gave the authority of making new laws to the people, which until now had been the domain of the Church. In other words, the West adopted secularism as its basic thought or Aqeedah from which their ruling, economic, judicial, social and other systems emanated and all their problems in life were solved. Religion was restricted to the private life of individuals and everyone was allowed to keep any belief they liked as long as it did not interfere with public life. This is secularism and this is the intellectual leadership, which the West carries and to which it calls. The Muslims, in an attempt to defend Islam, declared that Islam is modern and in fact democracy was the essence of Islam; anything, which is of benefit, is allowed in Islam because Islam has come for the benefit of mankind. Similarly many rules of Islam like Ijtihad, polygamy, Hudood and others were moulded and distorted so that Islam could be presented to the Kuffar as a modern religion. This was due to the reason that Muslims had the wrong understanding of Islam. Many Muslims who wanted progress came to the conclusion that Islam had to be limited to individual actions only and all rules of public life and systems had to be adopted from the West. This ultimately led to the destruction of the Khilafah, which was the Islamic State and had been implementing Islam in public life for over 1300 years. The British agent Mustafa Kamal Ata-Turk, in the name of progress, declared Turkey a secular state, changed the writing of Quran from Arabic to the Turkish language, called for Turkish nationalism, demolished Islamic courts and laws, stopped women from wearing ?hijab?, forbade more than one wife, changed Aya Sofia Mosque to a museum among many other acts. This was the first time in 1300 years that Islam was being removed from public life and restricted to individual actions. This did not happen in just one or two countries but all over the Muslim world. Muslims believed that in order to progress, the Western way of life had to be adopted, while Islam had just come to correct a persons morals and teach him how to pray or fast. Many independence movements were initiated in the name of Islam but neither the people nor the leaders had any clue as to what Islam was. Movements such as those due to which Pakistan was created were fuelled by slogans like, ?we want a separate homeland from Hindus, to live our lives according to Islam? but what the leaders and the Ummah meant by ?to live our lives according to Islam? was the freedom to say Adhaan, offer prayers, keep fasts and other Ibadaat without interference from the Hindus. This was reflected in Muhammad Ali Jinnahs speech to the first session of the Pakistans Constituent Assembly in which he said, ?You may belong to any religion, caste or creed - that has nothing to do with the business of the state. We are all citizens of a state. In the course of time Hindus would cease to be Hindus, Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense, as citizens of the state. This reflects the understandings of the leaders and the Ummah who did not realize that by separating Islam from the state and public life they were in fact adopting the secular Aqeedah of the West. Thus all the Muslim countries took their constitution, ruling system, economic system and laws from the British or the Americans whilst still calling themselves Islamic countries. Islam is not just a religion comprising only prayers, fasting and Hajj but it is a Deen, a complete way of life, which is not only ?Ibadaat? but also an economic system, ruling system (Khilafah), judicial system, social system etc. This system was not meant just for the Prophet (SAW) or the Sahaba but for all mankind and for all times and places. Allah (SWT) says, ?Today I have perfected your ?Deen for your and completed my favour unto you and have chosen for you Islam as ?Deen (way of life) (TMQ 5:3)? , thereby commanding Muslims not to go astray by following other Deens because Islam is a complete way of life revealed by Allah (SWT). Allah also says, ?You have in the Messenger of Allah the best ?Uswah for those who seek Allah and the Day of Judgment (Al-Ahzab: 21 TMQ)? . Here the Muslims are ordered to follow the Messenger of Allah totally and adopt his character as a whole. We are not left with the choice of following the Messenger of Allah in Ibadaat only and running our public affairs, state affairs and foreign policy according to the capitalist or communist model. Surely if the Prophet (SAW) had only called for prayers and fasting, the Kuffar of Quraysh would not have inflicted severe mental and physical punishment on him. It was his call of uprooting the whole Kufr system and implementing Islam as a whole, which unnerved the Kuffar and drew such a harsh reaction. Instead of following in the footsteps of Western Kuffar states, we should have realized that we are the Ummah who was assigned the duty to guide all mankinds. Allah (swt) says, ?You are the best Ummah that has been raised up amongst mankind. You enjoin right and forbid evil and you believe in Allah? (TMQ). We should have guided the Western nations to leave secularism and adopt Islam as their Deen but instead we ourselves became secular and limited Islam to just Ibadaat. We should realize that Western nations adopted secularism because Christianity did not give them solutions to their problems, and in their desire for progress they dumped Christianity and took it upon themselves to lead their lives as they wished. Islam is not like Christianity, in fact it is a complete way of life and if we also limit Islam to just our personal life, in the name of progress, we will surely go far astray. This is the reason for the decline of the Muslim Ummah and no amount of prayers or cries will have any effect unless we resume the Islamic way of life as a whole and respond to Allahs command ?O you who believe, enter into Islam completely and follow not the footsteps of ?Satan, indeed he is an open enemy for you (TMQ 2:208)?. This can only be done by following the same method of revival that the Messenger of Allah took, re-establishing the Khilafah and carrying Islam to all mankinds by way of Jihad
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 18:15:11 +0000

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