Bitcoin Global Currency - FINANCE PROFESSOR: Mt. Gox Is Now A - TopicsExpress


Bitcoin Global Currency - FINANCE PROFESSOR: Mt. Gox Is Now A Fallen Tower Of Toxic Sludge Strong business is built on trust, honesty and integrity. Not on lies, deception or fraud. The problems at Mt. Gox are not isolated; they are systemic to the Bitcoin industry. The lesson here is that without A-team management, high standards, strong controls and tight regulation, consumers can and will be abused. Over the past two weeks Mt. Gox held investors hostage, snubbing their concerns and denying them access to their funds. Then it moved offices and shut down their website. Bankruptcy is fait accompli and such a high-profile collapse could trigger a Lehman Brothers-type chain reaction throughout the Bitcoin market. Mt. Gox cannot be contained because its customer base and reach is wide. The level of reputational damage is immense. What was the industry’s largest exchange with over 1 million customers only months ago is now the fallen tower of toxic sludge. In its wake are numerous investors holding significant financial losses, broken trust and little recourse. Some daring speculators used this uncertain time to load up on Mt. Gox Jail coins, betting against bankruptcy. Investors that sold Mt. Gox at $100 or more at least have limited some of their losses. All scenarios now look grim. It’s never a good sign when a firm that has your funds goes silent. Since the transaction malleability” attacks a fortnight ago, it is not clear how many e-coins were actually absconded before the breach was closed. Did cyber-robbers have free roam for minutes, hours or days? Are investors exposed for as much as $300 to $400 million? Given that most client assets are warehoused at these unregulated exchanges, they appear more like boiler-room brokers with lax controls. The other two largest remaining exchanges, BTCe and Bitstamp require that customers wire hard currency to places like Bulgaria or Solvenia or Cyprus with a promise that they will honor their word. Mt. Gox has put into question this bond of trust. For many customers, the challenge is in exchange trade execution and settlement. Sometimes this can take even days. Mt. Gox proved it could be weeks (and maybe never). When the cyber hackers struck earlier this month, a total of three exchanges -- over 70 percent of trading -- were impacted. The lauded anti-fragile network quickly became fragile as an egg shell. Customers learned about illiquidity--- Hotel California Risk---first hand and prices have plummeted ever since. Unfortunately, the Mt. Gox tale is not unusual in Bitcoin World. In October 2013, GLB, a China-based boiler-room exchanged with about 1,000 customers suddenly closed down leaving investors with $4 to $5 million in losses. As the value of Bitcoin increased so did the desire to defraud customers. Adding to these woes is the fact that there is no watchdog. The Bitcoin Foundation, the supposed face of the industry, is more beholden to early adopters than to ensuring protocol security and enforcing high standards. The fact that the rogue CEO of Mt. Gox was a prominent member on the Foundation board is unacceptable. This is besides the fact that the Foundation’s vice chairman was indicted last month for money laundering. A Foundation of “B” players has no business claiming it is a protector of a system that remains vulnerable and untrustworthy. Meantime, virtual currencies remain in regulatory limbo as most nations have not stepped up to adequately protect investors. Mt Gox is not a speed bump, it is a disaster that cannot be self-contained. The implications are industry-wide and not simply a case of one bad apple. Mt. Gox is the poster child of why self-regulation does not work. It also raises questions of what controls are in place to insure investors that BTCe and Bitstamp are any better. Exchanges are now challenged on how to build trust. Prices on the BTCe have dropped as low as $430 today, below the important $500 price floor set last year before the hyper-bubble peaked at $1,200. As prices fall, investors that have historically been hoarders will have greater incentive to sell, pushing prices down still more. Remaining exchanges will be hard pressed to handle increased sell volume, putting stops on trading and delaying execution and settlement. This will only add to investor anxiety and encourage more selling. Once large sell orders outnumber buy orders, market illiquidity will become even more apparent. As experienced during the flash crash on November 12th on the BTCe exchange, it only took a single 6,000 block trade to knock Bitcoin prices down to $102. It was an 80-percent drop in a matter of seconds before moving back up to about $600. Yet the customer who sold that block did not receive timely and fair trade execution. They got hosed. In December 2013 it appeared that Bitcoin had promise. But in the past two months market forces have exposed several critical flaws, putting into question soundness of infrastructure and its viability as a currency -- let alone as a speculative commodity, which it is. If Bitcoin is to have a chance for real-world adoption, much reform will need to happen at the very top of this emerging industry -- including the sincere embrace of regulation, stronger leadership, tighter controls, higher standards and important consumer protection. A good place to start reform is at the Bitcoin Foundation. (Williams, a risk-management expert and ex-Federal Reserve Bank examiner and former commodities trading floor senior executive, teaches finance in the Boston University School of Management.) Join the conversation about this story »
Posted on: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 20:56:53 +0000

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