Bloat is no joke. In dogs, bloat is a life-threatening emergency - TopicsExpress


Bloat is no joke. In dogs, bloat is a life-threatening emergency that affects dogs in the prime of life. Early recognition and treatment are the keys to survival. Just ask sweet Bo. Bo is a regular at CMAC and kennel technician Hannah immediately noticed when his behavior changed yesterday, leading to a life saving diagnosis and emergency surgery. Hes alive and well today thanks to the quick catch by Hannah. Dont know much about bloat or GDV? Read up so you can recognize the signs and symptoms as well! What Is Bloat? When bloat occurs, the dog’s stomach fills with air, fluid and/or food. The enlarged stomach puts pressure on other organs, can cause difficulty breathing, and eventually may decrease blood supply to a dog’s vital organs. People often use the word bloat to refer to a life-threatening condition that requires immediate veterinary care known as gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), gastric torsion and twisted stomach. This condition can cause rapid clinical signs and death in several hours. Even with immediate treatment, approximately 25% to 40% of dogs die from this medical emergency. What Are the General Symptoms of Bloat/GDV in Dogs? -Distended abdomen -Unsuccessful attempts to belch or vomit -Retching without producing anything -Weakness -Excessive salivation -Shortness of breath -Cold body temperature -Pale gums -Rapid heartbeat -Collapse What Causes Bloat in Dogs? The exact cause is currently unknown. Certain risk factors include: rapid eating, eating one large meal daily, dry food-only diet, overeating, overdrinking, heavy exercise after eating, fearful temperament, stress, trauma and abnormal gastric motility or hormone secretion. What Should I Do If I Think My Dog Has Bloat? Bring your dog to a veterinarian immediately. Timeliness of treatment is paramount, since a dog exhibiting signs of bloat may actually have GDV, which is fatal if not promptly treated. How Is Bloat Treated? Depending on your dog’s condition, a veterinarian may take an X-ray of the abdomen to assess the stomach’s position. The vet may try to decompress the stomach and relieve gas and fluid pressure by inserting a tube down the esophagus. How Is GDV Treated? If the stomach has rotated, emergency surgery is necessary to correct torsion. There are many complications that can occur both during and after surgery, including heart damage, infection and shock; intensive post-operative monitoring for several days is routine. Most vets will recommend that during this surgery, the dogs stomach be permanently attached to the side of the abdominal cavity in order to prevent future episodes. Are Certain Breeds Prone to Bloat/GDV? Most dogs love to overeat if given the opportunity, so any dog, from a Greyhound to a Chihuahua, can get bloat. However, it is very rare for dogs that are not large, deep-chested breeds to be struck with GDV. This condition most often afflicts those dogs whose chests present a higher depth-to-width ratio. In other words, their chests are long (from backbone to sternum) rather than wide. Such breeds include Saint Bernards, Akitas, Irish Setters, Boxers, Basset Hounds, Great Danes, Weimaraners and German Shepherds. How Can I Prevent Bloat/GDV? -Feed your dog several small meals, rather than one or two larger ones, throughout the day to avoid eating too much or too fast. -Maintain your dog’s appropriate weight. -Encourage normal water consumption. -Limit rigorous exercise before and after meals. -Consider a prophylactic gastropexy surgery (which fixes the stomach in place, as described above) if you have a high-risk breed.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 01:11:20 +0000

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