#Blog_3 When desires are fulfilled - TopicsExpress


#Blog_3 When desires are fulfilled serotinally. 1998 “Papa! Papa! Can I please wear these?” “No. Your eyes will be spoilt.” “Ma, when can I wear these?” “But why do you want to wear these, beta when you look so good without these. Ravi, Mohan and Akhilesh wear it. Huh! Nobody loves me. Oh God! Please do something so that I can wear these lovely Spectacles.” Spring of 2000 “Ma, I cant see anything written on the blackboard in school.” “In which row do you sit beta?” Second row, Ma. (crossed fingers. I meant from back.) “Damn! I always told you and your sister not to sit so close to the TV, but youll just not listen. She has already got her specs & now You! OK. I will tell Papa to take you to the doctor.” Doctor, adjusting the lens on my eyes, said “So. Can you see the alphabets now?” “J-L-A-P-R-T”, I quipped. “Good”, the Doctor said, turning towards my father he continued “The lens power is less. Make sure he takes more products of Vitamin A. Eyesight can be improved at this age.” 15/02/2000 I finally got what I longed for all those years. MY FIRST spectacles. I could see everything so clearly. Wearing those specs, I looked at my father & gave a big smile. Papa asked, “What’s written there?” pointing to the hoarding in the market beside 3-4 shops. “Shruti Salwar & Suits”, I said with a feeling as if I had answered the most difficult question of my life. Everything looked so clear. So near. I danced. I sang. I was brimming with ecstasy. My first cell phone failed to make me that happy. I showed my specs, my most prized possession to Ma & sister. I wore it all the time. Even while sleeping or bathing. I remember the shopkeeper telling me to clean the glasses with plain water twice daily. I would clean it twice every hour. Even my school friends were happy on seeing me with those specs. I was bombarded with lots of questions & suggestions on the first day itself. “When did you buy it?” “Chasmish!” “Now you can copy 3 rows ahead from you in exams” “How do you feel?” “How big does everything look now?” Oh. I loved the attention I was getting from my friends & teachers because I was wearing specs. This also meant I could sit anywhere in the class & copy from the blackboard. 10 YEARS LATER… “How will you play football? We can’t risk you playing with these specs on neither will I allow you to play without those specs. I never trust two people - a woman with tattoo and a footballer with specs. You cant play.” the football coach said. Please sir “No way” “At least make me the goalkeeper.” N-O. No But why dont you trust women with tattoos “You are out of the team.(he said in an angry tone) No more discussions. And thus I began detesting my most prized possession. “Damn these specs. Why can’t I throw these away?” “Everything will be alright. There are people who do wonders in life & also wear specs” Rashi said putting her hands on my shoulders, “You don’t have to be so disappointed. To me, you look cuter in specs “But football is my life”, I said “How will I live if I can’t play football. I think I need to suicide or throw these damn specs away & be blind forever. Doctors say I can’t wear contact lens because of some ‘condition’ in my eyes. Oh God! I want to die.” Rashi quickly hugged me. “You don’t ever say that. Do you understand? What will I do if you are not there? How can I make you feel better? I’ll do anything for you today.” Now that was the moment any boyfriend would want to die for. Rashi & I have been in a relationship for the past 4 months, went on many dates but I had never kissed her. Rather she always said that our first kiss should be a memorable one – on a memorable day. Probably she was waiting for my Birthday. What else could I ask for my birthday? Was that a signal, I questioned myself. Does she want me to make the move? Are we having a moment? Will she slap me if ask the question, again. Am I being overly elated? “If you kiss me NOW I think I can forget football & also cancel my suicide plans.” I said with a wink. Woah!! That was easy to say. But only my heart knows about the pounding I was having in the wrong places. Suddenly she looked up & looked me straight into the eyes. She brought her beautiful face closer to mine. Oh! I could see how beautiful her brown eyes were & the little mole on top of her left eyebrow added to her beauty. Now I brought my lips closer to hers. We closed our eyes. I kind of rushed on to her like I have seen Saif Ali Khan do in Love Aaj Kal.. And suddenly my SPECTACLES hit her eyes. She moved away in pain. Oh! Damn these Spectacles. - Ankeet Shome
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 14:06:31 +0000

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