Bonjour, sunshine! Im in line for the first full day of the - TopicsExpress


Bonjour, sunshine! Im in line for the first full day of the World Domination Summit. Its 7:03 PST, doors open at 8, event starts at 9. I tell you all this because the line is long already! The theatres capacity is 3,000 + thats how many world dominators there are. Cool, huh? Yea. They must be giving away awesome inside. Im loving it so far. Portland is beautiful, the people who live here beyond nice + all the many WDSers Ive already met from around the globe are upbeat, inspiring creatives. My head + journal is filled with ideas ready to explode. Imagine an erect cannon that shoots off sparkly bits + pieces of confetti laced with creative juice + lined with seeds of The. Next. Big. Thing. Breaking a Guinness World Record yesterday was WOW! I didnt think anything could top that. But the day continued to roll out spectacularly. I didnt really have any plans outside the WDS activities. I wandered the streets, wondering what would come next. I havent even read the program yet. The map is still folded. Typically by now I would have not only read every single word, but highlighted, tabbed, starred, underlined + dog-eared as well. I took them out of my bag this morn only to be able to tell you what speakers will be rocking the stage. I havent even Googled them yet. I have no idea what wisdom they plan on sharing. All I know is that they wouldnt be part of this super cool event unless they were super-cool themselves. Things are definitely shifting. Being in pure go-with-the-flow mode, I met some fabulous people. In every conversation...hold on...a couple of guys are heading my way with a videocamera... ...well, that was fun! A little on camera chitchat about what I do + why Im here. The last question was to share in 140 characters or less how I would tell them to dominate the world. Oh, I was tempted, but I kept it clean with words that pop up here often: Find your light. Be your light. Shine your light on others. Under 140! Good thing I wasnt asked to write my tips. LOL Ok, back to the people. Two words inevitably come up in conversation: day job. Most everyone has one. Some even like what they do. But all have a calling for something bigger, more them, an avocation aligned with what they were born to do, to be. WDS is a place to face that creative restlessness. The universe put certain people on my path, for sure. As I settled in at an outdoor cafe with a refreshing beverage + WDS info...I thought I should take a peek to at least confirm where the kick-off party was being held...a lady asked me what time it was. She was meeting a friend + didnt have her phone with her. We started talking, her friend never showed, we continued talking + discovered how much we had in common, including sucking at standardized tests, a love for Paris + taking French lessons. We connected straightaway. Im looking forward to picking up some of the chocolat she creates. And I thought Cristina was just awesome...chocolat goddess too? Beyond. Sweet too. The universe knows whats best for us, including the people it puts on our path. The doors are open! Going in now... ...Wow! The venue is beautiful! Im in the front row...can touch the stage! Psyched. Uh-oh. Theyre telling us that our row is going to be part of the show, but we can opt out if we want to. Heck no. Im on a roll here! LOL Today isnt only about learning from the superstars taking the stage. I signed up for Yoga Rocks the of the outdoor segments of WDS. AND theres a huge Bastille Day celebration in the same park. Magnifique! Crap. I remembered my yoga mat but not my beret. I still have the real Bastille Day Monday to top my head. Ill need it to cap the explosion, so yet another plan comes together! Todays a great day to think about whos on your team. Your tribe is very important to your overall life experience. Seek like-minded souls. Connect with light-minded beings. Disconnect from the dimmers. Its all about quality, not quantity. Im so glad were together here in Glitterland! The theatre is filling up now. The energy high. Time for me to say buh-bye. Ill make sure to take notes. Its showtime, peeps! Much 💛 + a flowing into the unknown hug, Denise-Marie xx
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 15:43:52 +0000

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