Bonjour, sunshine! Like pretty much every morning, I had no - TopicsExpress


Bonjour, sunshine! Like pretty much every morning, I had no idea what I was going to write about until I landed on the sand. Even then it may take a 15-minute stroll for dots to start clicking + connecting. Today was sorta like that. It was a grey morn. Not that grey is blah. I like grey. Heck, I even have some strands of grey on my head, though I prefer to call them threads of platinum glitter that connect me to the divine. Actually its talk of grey + roots that inspired this post. Thanks Kyle! As I was squatting seaside snapping away at my 50 shades of hooray scribble, my friend mentioned that she was going to get her hair done today, pointing to greys around her hairline that I wouldnt have noticed had she not directed my eyes there. Looked like a halo to me. But I get it. Mine were sunshine zapped last week. I havent read the 50 shades book...Im saving myself for the flick...but when I see grey, I go there. Today was no exception between the sky, the sea, the stones, the shells, hair talk. So I started to play around with it, coming up with 50 shades of hooray...which then morphed into a 53...the number of years Ive been alive. Later on Im going to make a list of 53 people, places + things that make me want to shout Hooray! starting with the beach. Todays images include this message with a blank for your number. How about making a list, too? Great! I knew youd be up for it! I was going to head home, thinking that the hooray was the message, but a pile of grey stones caught my eye. I thought community as I took a pic + then love so I arranged them into a heart + was now ready to depart. Nope. During the last shot, my camera switched to black + white. I liked what I saw + played around with other shades, capturing the stone heart image a few ways. And then the rest of the morning took off, ending up with thoughts of living in a black + white world. To me that would be a nightmare. Theres almost always a grey area. Thats where consensus is built, where reasonable accommodations are made, where stuff happens instead of a stare-down stand- off. The world needs folks who see all in black + white to balance the free spirits, like me + I suspect you. Rules keep things orderly + we do need some order. But wiggle room is also required for society to function. To me, there are no hard + fast rules beyond the basics like thy shalt not kill. Strict one way of the other stunts growth, paralyzes potential, freezes the future. I decided to shoot only black + white photos from that point on. Wow. So different. Both ways of seeing the world are beautiful. Together, magnificent. The stark contrast of the rose in my garden was powerful. The sun against the sea, strong. Clear distinctions, limited yet obvious choices, like chocolat or vanille. Pick one + move on. At times I fantasize about a world with less choices, but only when Im tired + cant make up my flippin mind. Why are there so many varieties of tea?! Frozen yogurt?! Shoes?! I then calm down + decide...maybe settling on one, most often on many. Black + white thinking could save me a lot of time, energy + money perhaps. But still, as they say, variety is the spice of life. Oui! With the sun rising later, the beach comes dangerously close to bumping into downtown, so to avoid the rush + to resist the temptation to linger, Ive started to write while Im walking home with the final words coming while my bum is in a comfy chair, usually with Roxi + Oliver at my side. Ha! My little black + white buddies. As I was about to plop down, my heart nudged me to wrap the black + white shawl the church ladies crocheted + gifted to me as one helped me plan my dads funeral. I draped it across his chest before I left, leaving him with a warm hug that way, knowing that I would never see him breathing again. After he died, my brother returned it to me + its now part of my morning ritual. I wake up + hug it, knowing that Im guided + protected all day long. Its wrapped around me now as I type which is an awesome thing as my dad loved Glitter the Globe. Mel was vibrantly colorful. That energy is now part of the black + white. The two ways of being blend splendidly, supporting todays message. As you go about your day today, notice how you see things. If your world is flexibly colored, try on black + white for size. Color in the lines. Sharpen the blurry edges. Take off the rose-colored glasses. If youre a black + white peep, soften a bit. Put yourself in the grey zone. Appreciate that not everything is clear cut, one way or the other, fits into a box. Put a round peg into it. The point isnt to change who you are. Its about seeing another side, embracing differences, creating breathing room, coming up with other solutions through outside the box thinking or by going step by step by the book. There truly isnt only one way to live other than with, in + through love. The merging of black + white creates that grey...where things can really happen. At least 50 ways. LOL Much 💙 + a seeing life in all its glory hug, Denise-Marie xx
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 12:40:36 +0000

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