Boreeed. Might as well... 3 likes, 98 questions. 1) Who did you - TopicsExpress


Boreeed. Might as well... 3 likes, 98 questions. 1) Who did you last say “I love you” to? Syndel. :) 2) Do you regret it? Of course not! 3) Have you ever been depressed? I have 4) Are you a boy or girl? Giirl 5) Are you insecure? Indeed 6) What is your relationship status? Singleee 7) How do you want to die? I dont. 8) What did you last eat? Chips ha. 9) Do you bite your nails? Sometimes 10) Do you have an attitude? Hahaha yes. 11) Do you like someone? I think so :3 12) What is your real name? Kyra Anne Kradovill 13) Girl bestfriends? Syndel, Dawsin, Taylor, Erika. 14) Guy bestfriends? Ethan, Beau, Cameron 15) Do you have trust issues? Indeeed 16) Ever smoke or drank? Both, lots 17) Are you gonna get high later? no thanks 18) Do you hate anyone at the moment? yes 19) Do you miss someone? not really 20) Twirl or cut your spaghetti? Twiiirl 21) Do you tan a lot? I try. Ha 22) Have any pets? I did :( 23) How exactly are you feeling? Tired, and bored, someone hmu. :) 24) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving? who hasnt?! :3 25) Are you scared of spiders? Terrified. 26) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? I think so 27) Do you regret anything from your past? Manny things 28) What are your plans for this weekend? Saskatoooon with Taylor 29) Do you want to have kids? of course, a girl and a boy. :) 30) Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an R? I have 31) Do you type fast? yes 32) Do you have piercings? i do 33) How many? 3, tongue, lip and ears 34) Want any more? Yes, nose. 35) Can you spell well? Meh 36) Do you miss anyone from your past? Somewhat 37) What are you craving right now? Nothing 38) Ever been to a bonfire party? yes 39) Have you ever been on a horse? yes
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 07:14:16 +0000

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