Bormann Ran Hitler for the - TopicsExpress


Bormann Ran Hitler for the Illuminati: https://facebook/pages/The-Nazi-Ahnenerbe-Aryans-Aliens-Antarctica/288175454616060 The second most powerful man in Nazi Germany, Martin Bormann, was a Soviet (i.e. Illuminati) agent who ensured the destruction of both Germany and European Jewry. Thus, he advanced two of the Illuminatis main goals: integrate Germany into a world government by annihilating its national, cultural and racial pretensions, and establish Israel as the Masonic bankers world capital by threatening European Jews with extermination. The Illuminati are a loose alliance of Jewish finance and the British/America/European aristocracy joined by marriage, money and belief in the occult (Freemasonry). Winston Churchill, a Freemason whose mother was Jewish, fits this description. They own vast interlocking cartels (banking, oil, pharmaceuticals, war, chemicals, minerals, media etc.) and control society and government through corporate and professional groups, the media, education, secret societies, think tanks, foundations and intelligence agencies. Their goal is to absorb the worlds wealth (in Cecil Rhodes words) and control its citizens using propaganda, education and social engineering. Nations (Britain, US, Israel) movements (Zionism, Socialism, Nazism, Communism) and people (Americans, Germans, Jews) are their pawns to be sacrificed to their demented megalomaniac scheme for global dictatorship. Bormanns career illustrates how they orchestrate wars to advance this long-term objective. Martin Bormann (1900-?) was the organizer, treasurer and paymaster of the Nazi Party and controlled its powerful machine. He was the contact with Illuminati bankers and industrialists who financed the Nazi Party and donated millions to Hitler. As Deputy Fuhrer and Hitlers Secretary, Bormann signed Hitlers paycheck and managed his accounts. He determined whom and what Hitler saw, and acted in his name. Goering said Bormann stayed with Hitler day and night and gradually brought him so much under his will that he ruled Hitlers whole existence. (Martin Bormann by James McGovern, p.160) Hitler made Bormann the Executor of his will. Bormann, not Hitler, owned the Berghof. The entire complex on the Obersalzberg, consisting of 87 buildings and worth over one and a half million marks, was legally registered in Bormanns name. (McGovern, p.128) In 1972 Gen. Reinhard Gehlen (head of Wehrmacht Soviet Intelligence) revealed that Bormann had been a Soviet spy, a view shared by many top Nazi generals and officials including Gottlob Berger, a SS Lieutenant General who knew Bormann well. Bormann did the greatest harm of anyone, Berger testified at Nuremberg. (McGovern, 181) The implications are staggering. Remember what Winston Churchill said. This war is not against Hitler or National Socialism but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest. (Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill, His Career in War and Peace p. 145) The Nazi Party was created, and the Second World War staged in order to lead the German people into a diabolical trap, after fatally compromising them morally. In The Bormann Brotherhood (1972) William Stevenson says Bormann gave the lowest priority to the fate of Germany..He was concerned instead with a future based on Nazi philosophy, financed by Nazi loot, supported by a personally loyal Brotherhood... (62) Is this the Illuminati? It is possible that the next world war also will be staged, this time to undermine the United States. BORMANN It is unlikely that Bormann perished in war-torn Berlin, as the Illuminati would like us to believe. A man who carefully prepared for the survival of the Reich by setting up 750 corporations in neutral countries would have provided for his own escape. There have been reports that the Russians rescued Bormann and set him up in Moscow. Other reports placed him in South America. Adolph Eichmanns eldest son, Horst claimed he had many conversations with him in Argentina. (McGovern, p.194). Obviously Bormann was working for both the Soviets and the Nazis, i.e. he was working for the Illuminati.....contd @... henrymakow/002026.html
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 15:00:08 +0000

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