Born to Suffer Compassion is not always a solution but it is - TopicsExpress


Born to Suffer Compassion is not always a solution but it is always a sign of a deeper reality It doesnt fix does not cure everything....contrary it allows space to suffer.... yet it still points to the love that gives birth to it....the presence of a loving creator...which is the source from which all compassion flows.... Often we see healing come out of the suffering...the suffering reconnects us with the living...its by his his pain we are healed....Saint Paul writes...Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church. We are conditioned by the world to see healing as a release from suffering rather than the fruit of it.....yet joy is made from suffering....God turns our mourning into joy....there has to be some suffering to become the joy....without no suffering we cannot know joy....When we see this we can realize the potential for great joy in the face of great suffering...and we no longer seek to turn our face from it....its in the embracing of the suffering that it is bringing love to it....its when the suffering is touched by love that the connection turns it into joy....This is not rational and is a mystery to the rational mind....this is a spiritual truth not a rational path.... How can we weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice is we cannot give others the space to weep?...if we cannot give ourselves the space to feel their pain?..Love draws us to suffer alongside cry with rather than just cry out against the suffering....Healing takes place when we hurt with others rather than trying to throw a band aid on the wound and cover it up by our pretentious prayers and appearances of love that are really just put ons...ways to cover up the suffering rather than drink the cup with them.... To drink the cup in communion is to partake of the suffering which gives us life.....we do others a disservice when we try to save them from the cup..We become like peter with a sword in the garden....not aware of our true motivation....Jesus did not drink the cup to save us from it...he invited us to drink it along with him....He said take this cup.... How could we possibly be empathetic and compassionate with others if we do not know hunger and thirst...if we only witness the suffering from a distance? Christ came into the world to suffer with become a bridge between the suffering and the joy...a bridge touches both shores it knows both....we cannot be a bridge without feeling the waves of both bodies of water... Namaste and Selah
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 21:25:17 +0000

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