Boundaries are CRUCIAL in your life! Boundaries do NOT make you - TopicsExpress


Boundaries are CRUCIAL in your life! Boundaries do NOT make you a diva or jerk. Boundaries make you wise, when they make sense. Saying yes all the time does not make you popular or loved. It makes you stressed out, scattered and weakens your core mission. Here are some boundaries Ive had to use in the past...they can sometimes evolve depending on my kids lives (summer, holidays, etc) or the priorities in my life (my parents health, book deadlines, etc) ==> I do interviews on Tuesdays and Thursdays during school hours, central time -- which of those works for you? -- No, Im sorry, I dont do 5pm radio shows -- that is outside of my window right now. ==> Id love to do an interview for your audience, but that topic is outside of my expertise. Let me recommend a friend or two that is a better fit. ==> That series sounds great - but thats not a fit for my business growth right now. Please remember me next year when you are planning and maybe that will be a better time. ==> Because of my schedule right now, Im focusing on 15-20 minute interviews. How can we work with that? ==> Thanks for thinking of me to promote your _____ but my audience is ________ and thats not a best fit. Have you considered asking _______ or ______? ==> I cant keep your kids this week, Im so sorry. I work during the day, even though its a home office. ==> Id love to volunteer for _______ but right now, the best way I can help is by writing you a check, sending some cookies, or connecting you with ____ or ______. Thanks for understanding! Get the idea? I guess FIRST you need to set some ground rules for YOU!! That way, when you are approached, you have a reason, a boundary, a guidelines instead of just I dont want to or thats inconvenient. Your boundaries may have to do with folks asking you to run errands during the day (spouses and family are sometimes guilty). Yours may have to do with how you work with a team, whether you take unscheduled calls or not and how accessible you are. This doesnt make you a jerk. This doesnt make you a princess or a diva. This makes you a business owner. If you want to be profitable, if you want to be productive, if you want to be purposeful...YOU must: 1. Create Boundaries 2. Respect them Yourself 3. Communicate them to Others
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 15:09:01 +0000

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