Boxing basics ; basic punching teqhniques (basicpunch techniques - TopicsExpress


Boxing basics ; basic punching teqhniques (basicpunch techniques ranks higher) Throwing punches is simply the act of relaxed, then quickly accelarating your hand towards target as you exhale sharply .you should tighten your fist at the moment or point of impact & then relax the hand to throw more punches. the Trick is to utilize your entire body weight behind the punch without felling offbalance but skills & experience will teach you over time. #1.turn your entire body & pivot the back feet on all punches except jab. 2.maintain your stance & balance for more better power & mobility. 3. make sure your non punching hand is defending the other side of your body. 4.exhale sharply on every punch. 5.all boxing punches are basically a variation of strainght punches, for straight punches elbow straight , for hook punches elbows sideways , for uppercut elbows down. Basic boxing stance; boxing stance is supposed to be easy to attak & defend easily.yor well covered in this stance, with both hand ready to attack easily .more advanced fighters will use more advanced stance for advanced body movements & counter punching oppurtunities. STANCE; 1.front toe & back heel on the center line. 2.domihant hand should be back (if youre right handed right hand in back) because, in boxing punching power comes from the rotational force not from linear force , all power comes from the ground , you have to rotate your body to pull that power & you need some room to swing your arms. 3.weight should be evenly distributed across on both legs . 4.knees slightly bent. 5.feet diagonal , little wider than shoulder width apart., back heel raised. 6.elbows down, hands up. 7.head behind gloves, chin slightly down, eye see over the gloves. 8.relax & breathe. Basic punches; ! 1.Jab (left straight) : the most important punch in boxing .keeping your rest of the body still, extend your left fist straight forward.exhale sharply, rotating the fist to land with palm down, pull the hand back immediately after the impact to defend.# the power & stability for the jab comes from the rotation of should try to raotate the sholders before you reach the target & not when you strart moving your hand.& your elbows should follow you fist. 2.rlght straight /cross..longest power punch, rotate hips & upperbody ccw as you pivot your right foot (about 90% ), exhale sharply as you extend your right fist straight out from your chin, rotate fist to land your palm down, do not let your head past your knees. 3, left hook*a dangerous power punch., pivot your feet clockwise (90%) as you drop right heel & lift the left heel, your body should rotate as one solid block when you pivot your feet, the left arm tightens as you swing your left fist into the target.,.left hook is one of the deadliest punch in boxing, it comes from asideangle making tricky to defend.when opponent is expecting straight turns the head & easily make opponent dizzy.#"opposite for right hook.. 4. Left uppercut; pivot your feet about 90% as you drop riht heel& lift the left heel, your body rotates just like a left hook, but dont lean forward& backwards, with elbows pointing down, drop your fist slightly down & swingit upwards as you exhale, the punch lands with the palms facing up. Punching tips: 1. RELAX; being relaxed saves energy & allows you to punch harder.your muscles should be calm& fluid, allowing the energy to flow through you entirebody as you throw the punch being tense stop the energy from flowing& prevents you from throwing yor best punch, find power through relaxation., relaxing is the only way to exert powerful force repeatedly without getting tired. 2.AIM ; keep your eyes on your oppnent always, dont look pst him, dont look down, when you throw a punch make sure you look at the target, you should be careful not to look so intensly at a target before you throw since this telegraphs the punch, never look at the body when you throw down this also telegraphs , keep your eyes on your opponents head & shoulders. 3. Exhale on every punch; always breathe out on every punch, make a small breathe dont exhale all of the air in one punch, as you throw combinations you let out sperts of air for each punch, the shorter & more explosive the exhalation the better, compact explosive breathing will result in compact explosive punches, exhaling properly creates more powerful punches & saves energy. 4. Timed impact; hit with the force of your body all at once, when you exhale your entire body moves & hits simaltaneously, from head to toe, everything moves all at once, the foot pivots, the hips turns , shoulders rotate, the arms extend & the fist tightens, the better you get at making your body hit all at once, the less effort it takes for a more powerful punch. 5. Keep your balance; always be aware of your balance, dont push into your opponent, exert power by finding contact with the ground, dont lean your head past your knees, the best way to develop balance is to practise your punches with shadowboxing, mitts , not the heavy bag., the better you stay balanced, the more advanced offense & defensive maneuvers you can learn. 6.Cover the opposite hand; when you punch with one hand protect yourself with the other hand, the hand thats not punching should be defending, defend with the glove covering the chin & the elbow protecting the body, the non punching hand should always be defending &! Or getting ready to punch. 7. Recover; recover the punch arm quickly to cover the vulnerabililties you created while punching, be careful, however not to retract too quickly or your punching power will suffer, this mistake is known as "pulling your hands", training will help you sense the right time to retract your fist, the faster you pull your hands back the less velnerable you are & sooner you can punch again.., Did I miss anything else beginners should know? There are so many out there.,,.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 19:49:34 +0000

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