Briefly on Politics and the Role of this Generation: I read - TopicsExpress


Briefly on Politics and the Role of this Generation: I read the paper everyday. Everyday? Everyday. The New York Times to be exact. I listen to Morning Edition (NPR) in the morning when I take a shower and make breakfast, I listen to the Rush Limbaugh Show in the afternoon, and when I can I listen to All Things Considered (NPR) on my walk home. When Im bored I read Mother Jones online, or sometimes The American Conservative. Im very interested in politics and one day plan to pursue it. I listen to a lot of commentary, and speeches, and critics. Both sides, see? Because to me politics is not sports. You cant just choose a team. You cant just root for one side. It makes the whole thing unbalanced. See, Fox News isnt the devil, and, MSNBC is radical. The President surely isnt the anti-Christ, nor is Congress a bunch of greedy white men. There are bad politicians, yes, but there are good ones too. But, mankind in general is good--I believe. Like Madison, I think bipartisanship is perhaps a fault in the system, and like Benjamin Franklin once said, I dont completely agree with it [The Constitution] nor do I think I ever will. But, the premise is true. The idea is solid. A Representative Republic, is without a doubt the most effective form of government--as of yet. ... How simple it is to follow blindly. To put your hand on the back of the person in front of you and say, This is the way. Because this is the way everyone is going. Or as my favorite teacher, Mr. Keating, once told me: Now we all have a great need for acceptance, but you must trust that your beliefs are unique, your own, even though others may think them odd or unpopular, even though the herd may go, [imitating a sheep] thats baaaaad. Being liberal or conservative; hard driven in a political realm does not separate you from the crowd, in sucks you into it. Though you may think, Not me. NO. I dont take part in politics. I smoke my weed and listen to my Jefferson Airplane. Im not the problem...they are. Thats where a paradigm shift is needed.The liberal, earth-loving, hippie that doesnt listen to words of conservatism is just as bad as the money-grabbing, oil-loving Conservative that doesnt take a moment to view the world through liberal eyes. Simple put, Lincoln once said, A house divided against itself cannot stand. Now, sure he was speaking of the Union. But, apply it to Congress. To government as a whole. Ah. See? Listen to Fox News while reading Mother Jones. Pick up a joint and watch MSNBC with a copy of American Conservative in your lap. Formulate a thought, that is not effected by the constant one-sided stream of others. So quickly does this generation jump on the bandwagon. To follow an agenda, without first doing their own research. You must read. You must read the old stuff, and the new stuff. You must search for truth... Only 64% of Americans vote. Not being apart of politics, or apart of your nation doesnt promote its well-being, it hinders it. Hinders it from its next step--global equality, and global unity, the absence of national barriers--the final frontier. Dont give up on man, because you dont have the courage or the love to continue... https://youtube/watch?v=6FMNFvKEy4c
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 02:11:02 +0000

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