Brody update: I guess I was overly optimistic this morning - TopicsExpress


Brody update: I guess I was overly optimistic this morning posting before we spoke with the doctors. I was just so excited with how great he is doing. And make no mistake, hes doing AWESOME! But, we have a very long way to go. After meeting with the docs today, it looks like we will probably be here another 4 days at least. This has to progress from the head to toe in most cases. Weve gotten to the waist - its headed to the legs and hands. First the hands - burning and itching so badly. Please pray that ends quickly and with no lesions. Thats really the worst part now. It hurts awful to have your hands basically with a 1st to 2nd degree sun burn, on both sides, from the elbow down. And there isnt much we can do. Pain meds, anti itch meds, ice packs. And his legs are burning, not as badly, from his hips to just above the knee. It seems this will continue all the way to his feet. It seems to have slowed down, so no real time line on how long to get there. The only new lesions that appeared today were some big ones on his chest, some on his thighs and knees, but those were minor - so far fewer lesions than previous days - PRAISE GOD!! His sweet face looks better every day! Swelling seems to go down, eyes are still sunken, lesions healing quickly. The bad news is, as the skin peels off, it will become a wound and scab over, on his face (this has started around his mouth and chin) and all other spots that were red and burned (his back, face, neck, waist, under arms, etc - it would be faster to list the parts not included) will be a scabbed sore. Im not sure how sore and awful this will be. PLEASE pray this is not as painful as it sounds. Also, they had found staph in his nose in the ER (and a large new lesion has re-appeared there today). They cultured and are growing this sample. So far it appears we are using the right meds for this strand. PLEASE pray that continues and the docs stay on top of this (the return of the big lesion in his nose when we stopped the treatment for the specific lesion and area, which is strictly staph, not part of the burned staph diagnosis) so concerning. On the bright side - he had a shower today! Huge improvement. Lol. His spirits are very high. Hes eating like a champ! Everyone here is amazed! Hes really feeling ok, everything considered. I want to thank you all for all the prayers. We are so very grateful! They are working! God is hearing us all. We serve a mighty God. The nurses here stand in awe of the progress he is making everyday! On a side note, this is an amazing place. We are one of many families here. And honestly - we are one of the lucky ones. If you can call it that! Some if the families I meet or see - the stories are heart breaking for so many reasons. Please take a minute this Sunday morning and each time you think about it this coming week to thank God for the health of the kids in your life, the improvements in Brody, and for these babies and their families here. There are so many stories that are so much more than stories The nurses that work here have to have a special place in heaven. I cant imagine doing their job every day. While the rewards would be huge - the walk would be heart breaking. Thank you again for all the prayers. Thank you for all the calls, texts, message, etc. I always here during these times you really find out who your true friends are. Thats so very true! And they seem to come out if the wood work! Its amazing how many wonderful amazing friends God has blessed us with! It is amazing during times like these that you see the true heart in people. I stand in awe of so many of you! Im honored to be your friend ... And I cant imagine how we would get through this with out all if you and your prayers! A special thanks to Anitra Duke who has held my hand since this started. A better friend I could not find! She found me a pediatrician, has researched this crazy virus, spent several nights up with me talking through all of this, helping me understand what all this means since she has such a strong medical back ground, and she truly is one of the most inspiring Christian women I know. She challenges me daily (before all this) to be a better person, rely more on Jesus, and just draw closer to Him in good and bad times! And Im so glad she has ... It certainly has prepared me for this ... And for that I could not be more grateful! I pray you all have a blessed Sunday. I cant thank you enough for your prayers and all youve done for us during this past week! These are from earlier Saturday with his new medical flashlight he conned one of the doctors out of, lol. After his bath! We decided to gel his hair, since the cream (more of a gel) I put on all his sores gets in his hair and looks so nasty. #staphscaldedsyndromesuxs
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 05:19:14 +0000

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