Brothers and sisters, when I was learning Arabic in Imam - TopicsExpress


Brothers and sisters, when I was learning Arabic in Imam University some of our instructors, may Allah bless them and grant them success, who taught us Hadeeth and Fiqh didnt really shed light on any practical applications for what we had learnt. The reason for this misconception was that the examples associated with these Hadeeth were so vague or so entrenched in the realm of the hypothetical that it seemed impossible that I could use them practically. To give an example...the Prophet, may Allah praise him, said: ما قطع من حي فهو ميت Meaning: What has been cut off a living creature is considered impure (mayyit). The only example ever given was what the Bedouins had practiced while they were in extreme conditions; they would cut off parts of the camel to sustain doubt, this would be extremely painful to the animal! So, this was forbidden. I dont recall the teacher who taught this, informing us of any new-age applications...and this is very the rule states: الإسلام صالح لكل زمان ومكان Meaning: Islam is suitable for all times and places. Looking back at this hadeeth, there are so many medical applications for this narration, as well as ethical issues that are addressed here, it is amazing. So in light of what I learned...I want to share a benefit with all my fellow brothers, sisters...seekers of knowledge...when you learn something, make a point of asking yourself...rather...CHALLENGE YOURSELF to find practical applications for what you are learning and (of course!) ask about each scenario before jumping to conclusions....may Allah bless us all with beneficial knowledge...Ameen!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 21:04:15 +0000

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