Bug spray contains Pyrethoids which are axonic poisons and cause - TopicsExpress


Bug spray contains Pyrethoids which are axonic poisons and cause paralysis of an organism. The chemical causes paralysis by keeping the sodium channels open in the neuronal membranes of an organism. The sodium channel consists of a membrane protein with a hydrophilic interior; this interior is effectively a tiny hole which is shaped exactly right to strip away the partially charged water molecules from a sodium ion and create a thermodynamically favorable way for sodium ions to pass through the membrane, enter the axon, and propagate an action potential. When the toxin keeps the channels in their open state, the nerves cannot de-excite, so the organism is paralyzed. The effect of causing all of the bugs muscles to contract uncontrollably is the reason they limp, roll, etc. They are losing control of their muscles. The effect is similar to what happens to Humans that are bit by animals possessing neurotoxins, such as a Black Widow Spider. You would experience muscle cramps and possible asphyxiation due to your diaphragm losing its ability to function. Bigger animals (spiders) take longer to die than smaller animals (ants) because there is more animal to kill. Also, as an animal grows, your surface area to volume ratio decreases. i.e, big animals have a lot of inside space, but not a lot of skin. Thus, bigger animals have less surface area to absorb substances compared to their inside volume. Sounds cruel, doesnt it...
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 04:34:39 +0000

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