Bunch of clowns,double-agents ...... MDC UK Renewals: What A - TopicsExpress


Bunch of clowns,double-agents ...... MDC UK Renewals: What A Bunch of Clowns Wednesday, 23 July 2014 by Mukusha Mugabe KwendabitistanfordChambokoAs the MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai takes the gloves off against rebels from his party who call themselves Renewal, and takes aim at Zanu (PF), we expose the shallow thinking that permeates through the UK Renewal rebels. Tsvangirai reached the end of his tether and reminded Tendai Biti and Samuel Sipepa Nkomo that their personal lives are not clean, though he did not like personal attacks. Some of the UK Renewal Leaders Suzette Kwenda, Stanford Biti and Taurai Newbold Chamboko Personal attacks, however, are exactly what the UK Renewal Team, led by the likes of young Stanford Biti and former British Police officer and suspected CIO agent, Taurai Chamboko, which has gone as far as establishing a website dedicated to denigrating Tsvangirai and attacking anyone who supports him. Journalist, Lance Guma, who exposed their plans to embarrass Morgan Tsvangirai when he comes to the UK, previously published a CIO list which included an N. Chamboko, but nobody made any connection with Taurai who went on to become an executive of the MDC-UK. He was reportedly close to Roy Bennett and encouraged rebellion among MDC-UK branches by urging them to send money to Elton Mangoma without following the established procedures which allowed auditing by their districts and the province. It has now emerged that his middle name is Newbold, meaning that he could well be the agent published by Guma, but Guma said he was definitely contributing to the What’s Up chat where Renewals are holding ‘meetings’. Chat messages seen by Guma showed that the Renewals have even designed a website but they were failing to agree on the content to put on the website - i.e. what renewal stands for. If Renewals needed a clear revelation that their run has ended, this is it; no doctor is going to drop from heaven and tell them that they are now mental cases who need to sit down and take stock of where they are going. It is obvious that they are infiltrated by agents whose real target is the MDC-T leader. Their failure to agree on what they stand for is the clearest revelation yet that they have now become rebels without a cause - having failed to dislodge Tsvangirai which was their founder, Tendai Bitis only reason for creating the rebellion in the structures. Now it has failed and they do not know what they stand for anymore. Biti began his rebellion long before the MDC-T lost the 2013 election, long before the Mangoma letter; young Stanford Biti was throwing eggs at MDC-UK executives as long back as June 2010, and the Chawora executive never new what it was that was hitting them. The renewals claim that they are looking for a better way for Zimbabwe, one without Tsvangirai, but the rest of MDC-T members say they should take it to the party congress. This is not an option because they would lose. So they purported to suspend Tsvangirai, which suspension has been nullified by the MDC National Council and by a High Court judge. Then they claimed to form a new party and even unveilled its colours, but not much else as they failed to get Zimbabweans to support it. So they started accusing those supporting Tsvangirai and wanting to get on with the job removing the dictatorship of being their enemies. They apparently spend days and nights talking about their evil enemies, including me; I was called a former Zanu (PF) editor because I worked for The Herald some donkeys’ years ago. I have since been involved with human rights and the MDC-T from its formation, and worked for it all these year - yet some propagandist is able to pass me off as a Zanu (PF) agent? They reportedly also talked about evil enemies like Jonathan Chawora, a professional policeman who quickly realised when it was time to quit the ZRP, and was simply trying to take care of his family in the UK; he joined the party and became Birmingham chairman, and then the most effective chairman the MDC-UK has ever had, and he is still serving the party. But Renweals are denouncing him everyday as an agent and claiming to have a good cause, and even claiming that God is supporting their just cause. They are planning to disrupt Tsvangirai’s visit at the weekend, though they are not agreed, as some of them on the chat are not interested in violence. So they start trying to find anything negative that they can about MDC; on their chat they talked about Lovemore Moyo wanting to be vice President, that Khupe wont budge; that the MDC did have enough money to pay for the Hall in Bulawayo last week. So what? Resources challenges are real; after all the treasurer general, his deputy and the secretary general ran off with the bank books and signatures. But the Renewals were celebrating MDC’s financial woes as if they are self-inflicted. Some wanted to attend the rally and ask questions, while others thought that this would not be productive, preferring violence instead. Exactly what answers do they think they can get from Tsvangirai when they have already quit and formed their own party? Some thought they should go to the meeting to express their views openly and in an orderly manner and “market our renewal brand. Why wanting to it market to people who have already rejected them and are standing with Tsvangirai? Others thought Renewals should not be seen to be blessing the event by remaining silent. People want to see proactive decisions being taken by leaders who can see beyond the horizon, not to react to events later like what MT and co have been doing with every election; letting the public go into a clearly undemocratic election then try to seek redress later. Ahoy Cdes! Others called for a publishing statement that this leadership must go because if they did not it would be tantamount to endorsing Tsvangirais leadership. But others asked why they dud not just get on with their own party. Analysts said the Renewal kids were totally confused, thinking that Tsvangirai was making unilateral decisions leading the party to an election without democratic reforms. “We should go and ask Tsvangirai why he changed the constitution to extend his presidential terms, whether he is not going to be another Robert Mugabe?” One respondent said as they were well-known, they would never be allowed the opportunity to ask questions, or to get into the Press Conference, so they suggested that some lesser known people go inside for the meeting, while others demonstrate outside. But they know that this needs police permission - so they think a press statement might be best after all. Eventually they decide not to pay attention to the visit by Tsvangirai, because that would give him undeserved publicity and only increase attention to his visit. Others wonder why they should give any money to the MDC-T or whether the MDC-T does not already have a list of all their names. What a bunch of clowns, to think that they are so important that the MDC-T would busy itself trying to find out who they are. Even some of the well-known Renewal ‘executives’ are still on the MDC-UK provincial executive, receiving emails and passing on the information about what the executive is planning, but inadvertently also passing information back to the MDC.. One of the conclusions we can make is that renewals are very confused, but more importantly, are being manipulated by some agents who clearly have their own agenda. - See more at: changezimbabwe/index.php/news-mainmenu-2/1-latest/5082-mdc-uk-renewals-what-a-bunch-of-clowns#sthash.V5TjOmK0.dpuf
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 19:37:25 +0000

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