But Harry Reid insists that dirty corporate money is a big problem - TopicsExpress


But Harry Reid insists that dirty corporate money is a big problem in politics, a problem made even worse after two recent Supreme Court decisions. So he has embarked on a crusade to stamp out this bane to our squeaky-clean political campaign processes, by stifling the free speech of everyone and placing limits on the First Amendment. He couldn’t be bothered to address the immigration issue, but right before the Senate took off for their five weeks of vacation, Reid made sure to schedule a vote in September to address a potential Constitutional amendment, one that would overturn the two SCOTUS decisions, Citizens United and McCutcheon, which allow corporations to make donations to political campaigns, and remove the aggregate limit on individual donations, respectively, according to The Hill. Reid’s proposed amendment, which is little more than a political stunt, designed to allow Democrats to play the egalitarian card right before the midterm elections, would allow Congress to make new rules limiting and regulating funding and spending for political campaigns. It would also specifically bar the Supreme Court from ever overturning and reversing any future laws related to campaign finances. “This partisan effort to weaken the First Amendment is the clearest proof yet of how out of touch the Democrat Majority has become from the needs and concerns of ordinary Americans and how ill-equipped they are to lead in these challenging times,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Friday. “Washington Democrats have forgotten that the First Amendment is meant to empower the people, not the government.” “This latest Democrat effort to abridge political speech is little more than a craven attempt to substitute the incumbent-protection desires of Washington Democrats for a fundamental right that the Constitution guarantees to all Americans,” McConnell said. The Supreme Court has ruled that people, and the corporations made up of people, retain the right to political speech, which includes donations to campaigns, as part of their overall right to free speech. Harry Reid’s gimmick would undoubtedly be an abridgement of the individual’s right to free political speech. It would also serve to protect incumbents in future elections, as challengers often must spend a lot of money to gain the type of name recognition that sitting politicians already have. This cannot be allowed to pass. Furthermore, Harry Reid should be censured by the rest of Congress for deliberately and brazenly attacking the First Amendment, and the fundamental rights contained therein. It is time that Harry Reid was fired, removed from his position, and sent home to Nevada, never to be heard from again.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 05:02:16 +0000

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