But I’m not the girl you fall in love with. I’m not the girl - TopicsExpress


But I’m not the girl you fall in love with. I’m not the girl you want to spend hours with, just staring at each other. The girl you try so hard to get a smile out of. The girl whose hands you want wrapped up in yours. The girl who’s so beautiful, so delicate, that she makes you want to fight the world for her. I’m not the girl you can protect from herself, because I’m not fragile enough to break at every step. I’m hardened, and I have battle scars that possibly mirror yours. I’m not ashamed of the marks, and blemishes, and bruises on my body and mind. They’re mine, and they tell my story. I won’t walk meekly, always a step behind you. I’ll walk with you. Push you, just as much as I push myself. This makes me difficult to love, because you can’t wrap my love around yourself. No. You’ll have to bend, too, and that will chafe at you. Eventually, you might leave, just because you found a girl who makes you happy, instead of a woman who made you think. I’m not the girl you fall in love with. I’m the woman you learn to love. And I’m okay with it, solely because I know that when someone says ‘I love you. I’m in love with you’ to me, he or she will know exactly what those words entail. Those words won’t be spoken through the early morning haze. They’ll ring true, beautifully true, in the harsh sunlight too. It won’t be words said in the throes of infatuation, but as an assurance of an investment. An investment of time, of love, of a possible future. It’ll be something reciprocated, and nurtured. It will be love worth fighting for.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 04:56:53 +0000

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