By Guy L. Stephenson MY RESPONSE TO A 2ND ATTEMPT FOR FUNDRAISING BY THE GOP .... Remove me from your email campaign. I no longer can support the GOP, the RNC and the party leadership that has hijacked America and sold us out to the Marxist Progressive agenda. John McCain fit that description as does Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and others. I am disgusted and angry with the condescending and arrogant attitude the one-time patriots have towards Americans as well as their cavalier response to the will of the people. The Republican Party no longer represents Individual Rights and Freedoms, National Security, Integrity in Government, Honor in Service, Respect for Party Members, or Truth in Representation. Given these disturbing facts, I will be voting independently in the future. As a life-long card-carrying out-spoken avid supporter of the Republican Party and Platform, I am sickened by the manner in which these men have so completely embraced the Progressive Agenda, vocally support Obama instead of WE THE PEOPLE, trash party members on the Senate Floor, make backroom underhanded deals with Reid, Pelosi and Obama that run contrary to the best interests of all Americans, Constitutional Law, Freedom, Intelligence, National Security and stab our allies in the back. Regardless of their service in the past, turning their backs on their constituents and doubling down to destroy our nation with secret oaths and promises of power, position and wealth is the fast track to treason. These men are not only unsupportable and pathetic examples of leadership, they are traitors to all we hold dear as Americans. They have turned their backs on Truth and Principles of Freedom and Integrity. They have sold their souls to the devil and there wage is political death. The best thing they can do is retire and vanish into oblivion. There names will most certainly go down in infamy in the history of America like Benedict Arnold and like traitors! Frankly, a rope isnt good enough for any of them. So dont bother asking for funds or votes... you wont get mine any longer. Those who refuse to support my rights and freedom dont deserve my financial or moral support in office. Any donations I make from this point forward will be directly to individual campaigns by those who have proven their worth, their honor and their integrity as leaders and elected representatives. Candidly, Guy L. Stephenson An American Citizen, Patriot and Voter
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 18:20:50 +0000

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