By Reza Kahlili, The Daily Caller – “The deputy commander of - TopicsExpress


By Reza Kahlili, The Daily Caller – “The deputy commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards vowed revenge against Israel for its ongoing military incursion into Gaza, which has already killed hundreds of Palestinians and dozens of Israelis. ‘You [people of Israel] are trees without any roots which were planted in the Islamic lands by the British,’ Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami said at this week’s Friday prayer sermon in Tehran, Fars News Agency reported. That statement referred to the Balfour Declaration, which led to the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire after World War I and the eventual creation of the state Israel in 1948. ‘We will chase you house to house and will take revenge for every drop of blood of our martyrs in Palestine,’ Salami said. ‘and this is the beginning point of Islamic nations awakening for your defeat.’ The deputy commander promised that Palestine will no longer remain calm and cited a statement by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic regime: ‘Imam [Khomeini] with the statement that Israel must be wiped from the face of the Earth gave a true message to the world. This message enlightened the Muslims and became the concept on the streets of Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.’ Salami, recalling previous wars Israel fought against Hezbollah in Lebanon, said: ‘The end of the Zionist regime [Israel] has arrived. Islamic movements are armed, missiles are positioned, and today we witness how the arms of the resistance in a corner of the Islamic world are controlling the events in the face of the tragic and barbaric attack by the Zionist regime against the oppressed and defenseless Palestinians in Gaza.’ Salami blamed the U.S. and England for Israel’s policies and activities in the region and stated, ‘The balance of power will change to the benefit of the Islamic world, and we warn the Zionists that you are a rootless society with no land, no race, no history and no element which constitute a nation. Today, no place in the occupied land is safe for the Zionists … today the missiles of the Palestinian resistance cover much farther than the Zionists expected. ‘We are confident that Allah’s promises will come true and in the end the Islamic world will be the graveyard of America and the Zionist regime’s policies along with their allies in the region. The flag of Islam will be raised,’ Salami concluded.” Read more. Flashback: Iran’s Supreme Leader: For Peace And Safety Israel Must Be Destroyed – “We keep hearing this sort of racist, virulent anti-Semitism repeated all throughout the Muslim world, even in the West, particularly when Israel is forced to protect itself from the savage blood-thirsty terrorists who were elected to ‘lead’ the people of Gaza. This mentality, however, only serves to underscore the fact that the only ‘peace and safety’ the Islamic world is interested in is the sort of ‘peace and safety’ they believe to achieve once the nation of Israel has been completely destroyed. But the fact of the matter is that true peace and safety will never come with Israel’s destruction. It will only come with Islam’s …” Read more. Flashback: Iran Islamic Revolutionary Guards Deputy Commander: Islam Has Given Us The Goal Of Annihilating Israel – “Despite the geographical distance, we are attached to the hearts of the Palestinians. How is it that our slogans and goals are identical to the slogans and causes of the Palestinians? Why do we strive to become martyrs and risk our lives for the Palestinian cause? The answer is that the religion of Islam has designated this for us – this goal, this motivation, this belief, this energy – so that we, here, can muster all our energies in order to annihilate the Zionist entity, more than 1,400 kilometers away. We are ready for that moment in the future.” Read more. Flashback: Iran: We Are Prepared For A Decisive War Against America And Israel, We Have Been ‘Making Plans’ – “In his Revolution Day message, both Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan and Iranian Army chief of staff Hassan Firouzabadi stressed that Iran longs for the decisive battle with the U.S., in light of the latter’s threat to use the military option if the nuclear talks fail. In other speeches, government officials stressed that hostility towards the U.S. – ‘the Great Satan’ – would continue even if the nuclear issue were resolved, and that Iran’s smiles at the negotiating table were merely a tactical move aimed at obtaining Iran’s nuclear rights. Following are excerpts from Iranian government officials’ statements for Revolution Day 2014.” Read more. Antichrist: Leader Of A One-World Government? – “Though the ‘seat of the Beast’ is regional, we have already seen and will continue to see Muslim rioting, civil unrest and acts of terror in non-Muslim nations such as America, Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden and elsewhere, as well as Muslim nations. Its effect will certainly be felt globally, but the extent to which it will be felt at its peak, however, remains to be seen. Although Antichrist will seek to rule the whole literal earth and force the political and religious ideology of the Beast upon every government and upon every man, woman and child on the planet, Antichrist’s efforts will not succeed — an increasingly evident fact to which the whole of the prophetic texts testify. When Christ returns in power and great glory Scripture lists the nations that He fights against by name, and every nation that is identified in Scripture is today an Islamic nation.” Read more.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 12:05:19 +0000

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